Rewrite and plans and stuff. And oneshot book ?

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Hello to all that still keep this story as apart of their library or are just reading this for fun.

I know this book has flown off the rails and is riddled with mistakes, and so I am making the decision to finally plan for a good rewrite.

I don't know if I will delete everything that I have written, as this is my first book and I'm a very sentimental person.

I am now in the process of finally leaving school, and I have to become an adult who owns a house and drives and what not very soon. Therefore, the rewrite will take time. So I ask you, as I asked myself, if you have the patience to wait.

And then I had an idea! Shocking, I know.

While planning the rewrite, I want to continue writing so I have decided to make a oneshot book so I can continue writing and not going insane.

The book may not be updated I'm a timely manner as I want, but I will be writing and it might keep you people from abandoning me and this book. The rewrite should make you all happy and be a good book, hopefully. I might even have a schedule of updating.

The oneshot book has recently been published and has three parts - with two oneshots that I want people to honestly say their opinions - am I good at it? Can I write? Is there something wrong with me? And whatnot, so please go there - yes this is a shameless self-promo.
You'll find my Oneshot Collection book on my profile - it has three parts and a cover that isn't the best but I tried my hardest to make it.

With the rewrite - hopefully, I shall produce a better plot while also writing a better version of each chapter. If people want me to keep the old version tell me and I'll add to the end of this book. I might also change the description but that's something I'll do at the end.

Maybe, also at some point - I'll rewrite the others and actually finish them and whatnots but I'm not sure yet. I need to pass my A-Levels first.

So, FOR ALL OF THOSE WHO CBA TO READ ALL OF THE ABOVE. — I am planning a rewrite and during the meantime I have/am making a oneshot collection.

I thank you all for taking the time to read my work, and read this chapter. I hope I'm the future you appreciate my rewrite, and read my oneshot book.

Thank you, again. I hope you have a nice day and happy reading.

Goodbye for now.

 Twisted Fates (Ninjago Kai X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora