Chapter 4: Frozen Puzzle

Start from the beginning

Viper swung his fist back but Scorpio stopped him, “James, you can not go through with this, whatever you do you mustn't sell this design to the Russians.”

Hacker butted in, “what do you mean, the Russians had the correct pattern?” Scorpio and Viper looked lost, they had forgotten about that.

“They do,” James simply said.

“You said they have the correct pattern but your father didn't use it. James, have you used it.”

James smirked, “that's why I'm not selling it. I'm co-making it, my designs, their pattern.”

Viper smacked James round the face with his fist. James collapsed to the floor.

“Oh pure American.” James continued, “thinking violence solves everything. It will soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'm finishing my father's work, for my mother. For the Russians. He loved her, you know, but he abused her so badly some days she didn't go to sleep at the end of days because she was already unconscious. Do you know how angry that makes me,” his voice was now a bellow, “do you know!”

“He didn't kill her though, James, that was-”

“The Russians put her out of her misery. I found a box of letters from my mother sent from Ukraine. Unopened. She had started new, said that he needed to seek God, that he was broken. She was happy there. For the first time in a very long time. My father, needs to drink his own poison, and I get off ten million richer. They'll be here any minute, so... it's been nice talking but I have a plane to Moscow to catch.”

Viper hit him again, harder this time, knocking him out. And that was the moment that the door to the room swung open and four men walked in, saw the trio standing over James, added two and two together and reaching into their jackets pulled out four Makarov pistols.

Viper dived to the side behind the stage, as did Scorpio dragging Hacker with her as she went. The first gunshot exploded into the room, shattering the benign, Hacker heard it whiz past his ear and then again as it buried itself into the far wall with a thud, spraying plasterboard everywhere. More gun shots, here and there as the Russian men scampered to find some cover.

Viper reached behind his back and pulled out his weapon from his invisible backpack, Scorpio looked over, “the General said not to use our weapons.”

“Well-” another bullet whistled by, “I'm not going to run and fight these guys with my fists am I!”

Scorpio nodded and retrieved her weapon from her backpack as well, “I'll cover you try and get a vantage point on them.” And with that she turned and fired off a few bullets, switched modes and her gun fired off a wave of energy, a sonar pulse, she glanced down at her screen as the wave bounced back, “four hostiles, down the back of the seats.” She flicked off the sonar and fired a few more bullets just as Viper dived behind the first row of chairs.

Scorpio reached into her bag, pulled out a canister, tore out the tab to it and tossed it towards the the position of the men. There was a buzz as beams of red light shot out from the grenade, then two beeps as two of the Russians were highlighted by the lasers.

Viper poked his head up, gun at the ready, followed one of the two beams and flicking a switch, fired two of his five pre-loaded FMJ bullets through the steps to the stage, there was a yell as a bullet connected and the second silenced the yell.

Then Scorpio brought out a small metallic sphere, and rolled it across the stage, it engaged, motor whirring its sides elongated and it powered towards the other side of the stage. It bounced down the stairs and exploded sending another of the Russians flying, he hit the front row of seats and slumped over them, motionless.

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