Report 273: Time Worm

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Area 51: Report 273: XIA

Code Name: TIME WORM

Found: 18th April 1941

Threat Level: ALIEN 1

The Sze-bahk, code named Time Worm was found on the 18th of April, Friday, 1941 during the Assault on Kerguelen, located in the Continent of Antarctica between British, French and German forces. The Time Worm was found deep inside a glacier track after German Squadron Echo Company Zulu Tango fell into a crevasse, located 49°21′S 70°13′E. 

The creature was recovered by the German forces, and, using classified regeneration technology was reanimated and captured. 

The creature was kept a secret, too special to use on a mission, too dangerous to not use at all, it was used as an interrogation technique. However, despite the creature devoting its full sacrifice to the Nazi forces it was treated badly and on the 25th of October the facility it was being held at was liberated by American troops. 

The creature was rescued from the facility and brought over to the USA. (See attached file, XIA-17, for the first-hand report from the team that found the creature.) It's conditions were escalated from the German conditions and it soon gave its full devotion to help the United States of America to get rid of enemies such as that of the Nazi Party. 

We have used the creature through many times throughout history. Primarily around the 1930s but also 1963, 2016 and 2037. Experiments on the Time Worm has found it to be more than useful for use in the Time Angel Project. Early tests have shown that the Time Worm is acknowledged in the time period, but has not been proved to exist. It is usually accepted as a myth, many stories of the Time Worm have been recorded. Only two of them are factually accurate. From the earliest recorded moment of the Time Worm's acknowledgement it has been called by a certain name. Coined: Manticore. See attached file, XIA-07, for details on the Time Angel Project. 

It appears that due to the Time Worm's unusual time usage and scale it can instantly exit the timeline at the designated time period. 

It had been estimated, by the Time Worm itself, that humans, because of their constructs of hours and seconds would have to wait a designated amount of time before exiting at the respective time period. This has recently allowed us to understand, to some extent, that the Time Worm experiences time passing at a much quicker rate then humans even though the effects of time on it are less effective and almost non-existent when comparing time effects, such as ageing and disease, on the Time Worm and humans. 

The latest location of the Time Worm is classified by Level 12 restrictions. The age of the Time Worm is currently unknown. However, the Time Worm, seemingly capable of speech has stated that its “time spent of the universe is 6/4 of a (unintelligible).” The Time Worm is capable of speaking an unknown language of its own and English, as well as German. It is capable of learning language extremely rapidly. Despite this it can not translate its age into terms of years and vice versa.

When asked about its past, where it was born, what time it came from it seems very dismissive. In one of the more recent interviews it was stated that it was “created by nature” and that it was a “protector” of a race similar to ourselves. The time period was stated but the same problem occurred as its calculations could not be translated into years. 

When asked about the technology of the time it was replied that there was no technology. 

When asked about the structures of their architectures, it was implied that the creature was built a temple everywhere it went. Built of huge stones with a single one on top to represent the Time Worm. The others below it to represent the rest of mankind. By this description the temples appear to be pyramids. The locations of which he did not disclose, just that they were in very differing climates. 

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