Chapter 10 The end of an era

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A/n this chapter takes place 1 month after the last chapter let our story begin.

Y/ns pov

Its been 1 month one month since ruby and qrow tortured me and price. Right now me and my team were heading back to that missile site to stop the launch which was happening today. Me and my team pull up on jeeps and with guns.

Y/n: this is it...our final battle.

Price: yup...once we destroy salem and her forces then we can retire.

Yang: im ready lets end this.

Price: y/n.

Y/n: yeah price?

Price: I have a request. If you come across that fucker qrow I wanna kill him.

Y/n: sure. Now then lets end this once and for all.

My team nods as we start to ride twords the launch site. As we are driving we see a bunch of Menendezs men and some grimm running twords us. This must be there final stand. I quickly draw my m27 and I start to open fire on them. Yang quickly jumps outta the jeep and she starts to punch some of Menendezs men sending them flying i quickly jump out of the jeep too and I start to open fire on the men supporting yang. Woods and the others stop there cars and get out too. They start to open fire on the grimm and Menendezs men.

Y/n: push forward! This is our only chance to end this war!

My team nods as we all start to push twords the entrance of the facility. Eventually we get to the door price yang and I start to run twords it. But just then qrow jumps in front of the door standing there with his sword at the ready.

Qrow: The only way your getting in there is through me.

Price smirks as he pats my shoulder.

Price: go inside ill handel this.

Yang: are you sure?

Price: trust gonna kill this drunk son of a bitch.

Yang nods as we both run inside of the facility.

Prices pov

I slowly get into a fighting stance qrow does too as he cracks his neck.

Price: I've been waiting a long time for this. I thought I could trust you. Y/n trusted you and you just betrayed him.

Qrow: heh yup and I dont have any regrets. I'm gonna enjoy cutting you up.

Price: Thats not how this is gonna go. Im gonna enjoy this.

I quickly draw my pistol and my knife I start to open fire on qrow. He quickly blocks the bullets. So I take this chance to rush him. I deliver a swift kick to his jaw sending him stumbling back. After that I follow it up by slashing him across the chest with my knife. Qrow stumbes back in pain before rushing twords me. He starts to try and slash me with his sword. But I quickly dodge the attacks and fire 2 shots at him. He quickly blocks the bullets before delivering a quick slash to my side. I groan as I stumble back in pain. Qrow takes this chance to rush me. But im ready for it. I quickly slide under qrows legs and stab him in the back with my knife. Qrow grunts as he drops his sword due to the shock and pain of the stab. I quickly grab the sword and throw it away from his grasp. I then stab him in the side making him fall to his knees. Qrow out of desperation kicks me in the face sending me stumbling back.

Price: ugh. You son of a bitch.

Qrow: gonna gut you like a fish.

Qrow starts to crawl twords his sword. But i quickly grab him and slam his head into the ground. Qrow spits up blood as I quickly slash him across his chest qrow is bleeding alot. I take this chance to wrestle qrow to the ground. I stab him in the side making him spit up more blood.

Qrow: Ugh...

Price: heh....this is for abusing my friend.

I quickly punch qrow across the jaw. I then stomp on his face breaking his nose. Qrow spits up more blood as he coughs. I then make qrow look me in the eyes.

Price: this is for torturing me and my friend!

I break his hand before headbutting him right in the nose qrow coughs more as he spits up more blood. I take this chance to grab him by the neck again.

Price: Finally....this is for fucking with my team and my family!

I start to choke qrow out he starts to gasp for air. I keep checking him until he stops breathing. I stop and look down at qrows dead body. Blood is running down my face as I stand up. I light a cigare and walk off leaving him there. Woods runs over and helps me over to the others

Woods: price are you ok?

Price: yeah im fine. I just had to get my payback. Now lets hope that y/n and yang can disable to nuke.

Back to y/ns pov

Me and yang are running through the facility killing anyone who gets in our way we eventually come across some different projects that salem had planned.

Y/n: holy shit....look at all of this.

Yang: This is messed up. Project 61-15 jesus christ this project is making the dead come back to life.

Y/n: thats messed up...

???: oh dont worry salem has so many other plains.

Me and yang turn to see something that makes me sick. We see ruby but shes been infected with some sorta grimm virus.

 We see ruby but shes been infected with some sorta grimm virus

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A/n: what ruby looks like.

Ruby: dont worry you won't have to stand there for much longer. Lets end this.

Me and yang ready our weapons. So does ruby.

Ruby: DIE!!!

Ruby rushes us. Me and yang also rush her.

A/n: a cliff hanger what will happen find out in the final chapter next time love ya all.

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