Chapter 3: Myoui Mina

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Mina's POV

I'm currently walking near the beach then suddenly a group of man block my way then one of them cover my nose and mouth with a cloth that smell chemical. I fall asleep when I wake up we I'm in a room with no lights on. I immediately stand up even I'm little dizzy.

The door is lock but there's a small window here that's left open. So I use it to escape. But when I'm outside that room I found out that we are in a boat and I can't see anything because it's night time already.

I walk slowly so no one will see me but unfortunately I make noise that make everyone in the boat look at me. I'm so nervous and don't know what to do and I don't have any place to hide. So I jump out at the boat to escape from them.

One of them will also jump to catch me but one of them stop him because there's another boat coming so they just left the scene . I tried to swim towards the other boat but it's so fast. Due to tiredness and something hit my head I lost consciousness.

Then I woke up in a island. As I stand up I feel a little dizzy but I shrug it off. I stroll in the Island to find someone and then I see a small house with a girl int the balcony.

Y/n's POV

The unknown girl is continually walking towards my house and it's creeping me out. I'm suppose to be alone here but there's a girl. She slowly walks toward me and I can't move an inch because I'm scared what if she is a monster that will eat me and no one will know that I'm already been eaten.

"Ahhhhh don't come near me please don't eat me" I scream to her while my eyes is close

"What are you saying?" the girl confusingly said. I slowly open my eyes and I see a beautiful girl not ordinary beautiful girl but it's Myoui Mina of Twice.

"Am I imagining things or this is real" I mumble to my self but she hear it

"I think this is real" Mina said

"Are you really Myoui Mina of twice?" I ask to her

"You know me?" She said while walking near me


"What are you saying I'm not a moster" she ask in confusion


"Yes I'm just a simple human being" she said

"Are you really human?" I ask

"Last time I check yes" she said

"What are you doing here its a private Island and are you really Myoui Mina" I ask

"Yes I am Myoui Mina and I been kidnapp" she said simply

"You what?" I confusingly ask because Myoui Mina is been kidnapp

"I said I been kidnapp" she said with irritation on her voice I think she is irritated on me asking here again and again.

"Let's go inside" I said because we are talking outside for how many minutes and I think she looks tired but she is still beautiful as ever

She follow me inside and I guide her to sit in the living room while I'm getting her a water at the kitchen.

"Drink water first" I said while handling her a glass of water

"Thank you" she said politely and drink the water

"Your saying you been kidnapp right?" I ask to Mina


"Did you remember face of the person that kidnapp you?" I ask

"Unfortunately no" she said while putting the glass of water to the coffee table

"How did you end up in this Island?" I ask

"I escape from the boat of the kidnappers and I see boat then I decide to follow it but it so fast. Then something hit my head then I lost consciousness after that I can't remember anything." She honestly said

"I'm sorry to hear that" I said

"Can I borrow your phone so I can call my parents so they can get me now please" she said with pleading face

"I'm sorry but I don't have any phone here or anything that can connect you outside the island" I sadly said to her

"You don't have phone or anything here what if you accidentally hurt yourself" she said

"That will never happen and the reason why I don't bring any phone here is because it's suppose my vacation and I don't anyone to disturb me" I said

"How can I contact my parents now they may be worried sick to me now " she sadly said

"I'm really sorry but can I ask you questions I am just really curious are you really Myoui Mina of Twice" I ask

"It's ok and this your vacation after all. And to answer your question I'm really Myoui Mina of Twice" she said

"I just can't believe it I only see you through my cell phone screen and now your in front of me" I said

"Are you fan of Twice" she ask

"Not really" I lie because I'm really huge fan of twice I even go to their concert even it's not in the Philippines ( sana all nakakapunta sa concert nila😢)

"It's that so but I can see so many twice poster and merch in your house" she said while smirking

"Ahh that's not mine that's my sister things" I lied again

"I thought your alone here" she innocently ask

"Sometimes she come with me here" I nervously said

"Ok I believe you" she said still smirking

I think she doesn't believe me. But she is so beautiful she is like an angel that fall from heaven.

"We are talking for minutes now but I don't know your name" she said

"My bad I'm Y/n Alvarez" I said while asking for a handshake

"Nice to meet you Y/n I will still introduce myself even you know me. I'm Myoui Mina." She said while showing her famous gummy smile. I think I'm gonna faint she is so beautiful.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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