Grapefruit (snippet)

7.1K 82 85

Snippet Word Count: 2,600
Full Word Count: 19,046
Theme: Marijuana Breath - Adam Jensen
Edited: 8.02.23

For complete story (+extras) check out Fruits of Love on my profile!!

The sun was still relatively high above the horizon when you pulled up to your place of work, after your call with Namjoon you'd decided to come down a little earlier, just to give you some time to chill like usual before your shift started.

From the pavement, you descended the steps down to the club door and with a slight push you walked inside, flashed your employee card to the bouncer and then let him push open the heavier security door.

The room was decently full, something to be expected of the early to late evening shift. Everyone was getting off of work and wanted somewhere to relax with some good entertainment and high quality weed.

You had the usual hollers from the customers who knew you well and you greeted them back with waves and smiles as you made your way around the back of the bar where Jimin was weighing out some bud for a customer you'd never seen.

"Hey, Chim," you smacked his pert little ass on your way past, earning a crescent-eyed smile from him as he glanced your way.

"Hey, sweets, what are you doing here?" He asked while you put your bag in your locker, even when you weren't in the room you could still hear him over the low music playing from the speakers over the bar.

"Joon needed me to cover for Kook, his brother came to town to surprise him," you shrugged as you came back to him, leaning your butt against the glass counter while you input your account number into the tablet from under the bar. "But since I'm a customer for the next thirty could I get some Grapefruit?" You glanced at him while he waited.

"How much?" He asked as he set about reaching for the jar.

"A gram's fine," you told him, selecting the correct strain and amount on the tablet so that the money could be deducted from your account. "Hey, so, Joon's letting me order pizza out of the register tonight. You sticking around for some?" You asked as you made your way back to the customer side of the bar.

"Shit, wish I could but I got another date tonight," he looked at you apologetically as he slid the tray holding all your rolling necessities across the top. You smirked at that though.

"Another one? Doesn't your ass still hurt from the last guy?" You laughed and he put on a shit-eating grin as he propped his head up on the glass.

"My ass is just fine, you sure yours isn't just jealous?"

"Anal on the first go? I'm good," you grimaced, noting the two giggling girls approaching from the sofa's for a refill. "Anyways, I'll let you get back to work," you lifted your chin and he bid you farewell before you took one of the empty sofa's in the back corner of the room; tucking your white tennis skirt underneath yourself as you sat to avoid your skin uncomfortably sticking to the white leather.

You'd grown so accustomed to rolling joints in the pink and teal hues that it now only took you a minute to roll one and like always, the first puff of the day was always the best. The energizing strains you smoked at work never failed to put you in a good mood and Grapefruit was one of your favourites.

It took just ten minutes of you quietly smoking on your own and checking your phone for a body to join you on the sofa. Looking up you found none other than Jung Hoseok, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Evening," he saluted you with the same hand nursing his pre-roll and you lifted your chin, finishing the pull from your joint before tapping off the ash into the tray.

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