"You." Max said and immediately bit his tongue, regretted his provocative and awkward response. "I mean, five cup noodles and iced tea please."

Like a magnet to a metal, Max couldn't take his eyes off Tul. His heart fluttered just by staring at the guy, and he wanted to punch himself for thinking that way since Tul's build is manly and is not the 'cute' type.

Max, like Mew, had never been in a relationship with a guy. He had past flings, but it was always for business or he's just plain bored. Objectively comparing to his two brothers, Max is inexperienced one when it comes to flirting. Max had an alibi for his inexperience: he was simply busy handling family business that falling in love is completely out of the equation. Self-confidence and initiating conversations had always been Max's asset but right now, he's tongue tied. His mind went blank, as he stood by frozen at the wooden planks just staring at his newfound crush.

"Here's your order, Sir. Are you okay? You're really red." Tul handed the food and  drinks, curious as to what the customer is thinking.

"Max, just call me Max. And if I could request something from you." Max's heart beat thrummed louder than the boat itself, and sweat came pouring from his forehead.

"Okay? Do you need anything else?"

Tul is getting confused by the minute. In his one year of internship in this boat, he has become accustomed to following customers requests, but what he did not get is why the certain man in front of him is acting strangely. For Tul, the guy is incredibly handsome and looked so professional, despite the nervous persona that obviously written in Max's face.

"Can we have sex, please?" Max said, and at the same time, the boat let out a blaring noise, signaling that they are about to arrive in a few minutes. His statement made the gods of flirting and love sighed in embarrassment since it was probably one of the worst lines they have heard.

"What? I did not hear you clearly." Tul put on a blank face as he carefully took in the appearance of the guy in front of him.

"Nothing. I should go now. Excuse me." Max hurriedly went, thankful for the boat since it had saved him from embarrassment and rejection. Disappointment ran through his veins and hoped that maybe one day, he's going to meet Tul again, in different circumstances and hopefully not in an old tourist boat.

Tul watched Max in amazement. He had heard what the other guy had said, but wanted Max to repeat it again. "If only I'm not on duty, I'd say yes. He even said please." He just laughed by himself and went back to work.


Moonlight, the Kanawut family restaurant and bar stood proudly near the shore, recently renovated just before the Christmas or festive season starts. Outside, an open bar with a nice view of the sea and sunset welcomed the guests. The open bar is mostly reserved during the full moon festival, but on normal days, visitors usually prefer to stay inside the restaurant.

The Moonlight's history can be traced back from when Gulf's mother confessed to his father. The sentence 'the moon is beautiful tonight,' stuck with Gulf ever since. He remembered his Mae teasing his Por about it since his Por did not know the meaning and just casually nodded.

The glass sliding door is the only thing that separates the gray walled restaurant from the sandy open bar. Locals and tourists bustled through the restaurant, as the sun reached its highest point. The sea breeze did not stop the rising temperature, and the four newly arrived passengers of S.S. Peter Pan.

The smell of spicy Thai food and seafoods flowed through the air, and their stomachs growled in anticipation since their first meal of the day is the cup noodles that Max bought. Initially, they planned to drop by Gulf's place, which is only walking distance from the restaurant, to leave their belongings but hunger drove them towards the restaurant.

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