chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"You are the love that came
Without warning;
You had my heart before I
Could say no."

Gulf was already beat due to the game with the other university. They played three games, and he played for the two whole games since the seniors were not allowed to play to focus on their exams. While looking at their tinted service bus, he suddenly remembered what had happened three weeks prior.


While they were intensely making out, they did not notice a figure approaching the car. The person knocked thrice at the window.


They stopped kissing, and tried to catch their breaths. They stared at each other, heartbeats increasing by the minute. Then, the person knocked again.


They quickly sat up straight and tried to remove the creases on their shirts. Gulf wiped his almost swollen lips to remove the evidence of their French kiss just a moment ago. Mew lowered the window, and greeted Tay casually, as if they had not been almost caught in the act.

"Oh, Gulf you're also here. Good thing that you're still here Mew, I have a favor to ask. Can you please pass my home work tomorrow?" Tay handed him a brown envelope. "I won't be present tomorrow since I'm going back to my province South."

"Sure, I'll pass this. Take care on your trip."

After they bid their goodbyes, Tay wondered why Gulf was on Mew's car, almost as if they are in a relationship. He had noticed their closeness, and only a blind person could not see the love that's basically oozing at their eyes every time they stare at each other. Tay just shrugged at his thought. 'If those two were in relationship, I'll be the first one they'd tell.' He told himself excitedly, waiting for the time when those two will come out of the closet.

Meanwhile, Mew and Gulf suddenly thanked the creator of the tinted windows in cars.

End of flashback

He entered the bus with a smile on his face, and immediately sat since his legs were sore. He sat near the window, and closed his eyes. He felt someone sat beside him, probably Mild, since they sat beside each other on the way.

"Ai Mild, do you have any Salonpas?"

"Um.. I have. I'm not Mild though." Gulf stared at the guy beside him, it was Drake, smiling at him. His eyes went into the people standing in front of his seat, Mild, Win and Bright, asking for help.

"P'Drake, can we exchange seats? I have a lot to talk about with Gulf about our incoming project." Mild tried to negotiate as cheerfully as possible, and for once, Gulf thanked the gods for Mild's loud mouth. At the same time, other sophomore's called for Drake, and he was forced out of Mild's supposed to be seat.

In a few minutes, the bus took off. It was an hour ride from Gulf's University, and two if there's traffic.

"Thank you." Gulf whispered to Mild.

"No biggie. I told you before didn't I? He has his eye on you, and you should be careful or else you'd fight with P'Mew again."

"What do you mean?" Gulf averted his eyes from his seat mate and went to stare at the cars stuck in traffic.

"You two are in a relationship, right?" Mild joked, but pretended to be serious. He might be loud, be he had always been good at observing people. And he cannot help but notice the sparkles in Gulf's eyes every time Mew was around or his name was uttered.

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