Then I heard a car pulling up outside.

Oh no.

"RICHARD BOWEN!" I heard someone bursting into the house and into the living room.

"Hey Nini!" My dad jumped at how much she scared him.

"YOU CHEATED ON ME?!" she screamed at him.

"What? No. Nini, are you ok? You asked me for a divorce nine years ago..." He looked at her confused and then at me.

"No, mom. He didn't cheat on you" I walked over "I assumed that you assumed that dad cheated on you but he didn't. I was just asking if that was the reason for the divorce"

My mom took a deep breath "Olivia, that's none of your business. I didn't assume that he cheated on me"

"It is my business. You two are MY parents. Aunt Kourt, Aunt Ash and Aunt Gina know but I don't? I should know before they know but you won't tell me. Seriously? Whatever he did couldn't have been that bad"

"Trust me. It was that bad" she stared at dad. If looks could kill then dad would have been long dead by now.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

"Who's that?" I asked myself.

I opened the door to see a crying Joshua.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok? What happened? Why are you here? Come in" I rushed.

"Josh, what happened?" My mom came over.

"Josh, is everything ok?" Dad stood beside mom.

"Get away from me" Mom pushed him away.


They nodded, looking a bit scared at me and my outburst.

"My mom and dad left me this note" Josh said, in-between sobs while handing me a note with his quivering hand.

I hugged him as my mom read the note aloud.

"Dear Joshua, we are so sorry but we have to go. I know we said that we would sort us out but we don't think that we are working and you aren't making things any better so, we have decided to leave" my mom started to cry so handed the letter to my dad to finish reading.

"You have no other family to go to because everyone left our lives when they found out that I was pregnant at the age of seventeen so you will be adopted but you are no longer under our possession. Our arguments have not been about you but have not been solved with you around so we have decided to move. We won't tell you where because, if we know you well enough, you'll try and find us. Do not try. We no longer want you but still love you with all of our hearts. Love, Mom and Dad" my dad read out.

"You didn't tell me that your parents were fighting" I whispered, crying.

"I didn't want to worry you" he responded.

"Josh, you are my best friend. You don't need to worry about worrying me. No secrets" I told him. He nodded.

"You can stay here for the night" Dad told him.

"Thanks Mr Bowen" he smiled.

"Call me Ricky. Now, go upstairs and get into some clothes" he waved us upstairs.

Josh and I have sleepovers every so often so that's why he has clothes at mine.

"You can get changed in there" I pointed to the bathroom.

"Thanks. For everything Liv" he smiled at me.

"No problem" I returned the smile.

He walked into the bathroom to get changed and I went downstairs and went into the kitchen.

"You're still here?!" I looked at my mom, she looked so calm and like she actually enjoyed being here "I thought you would've went back to your date with Connell"

"Conner" she corrected "No. I decided that I don't need a guy in my life. I only need my daughter" she smiled at me.

"Mom, I really want to know why you and dad aren't together anymore. Please can you tell me?" I begged.

"Fine" she started. Was she actually going to tell me? The one thing that I have always wanted to know will finally be known! "Your dad was-"

"Olivia can I just go to sleep in the bed? I'm really tired" Joshua interrupted us "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I can tell that I interrupted something" he walked out.

"I'm gonna go" mom smiled at me "bye" she kissed the top of my head.

"But mom. You were just about to-" but she walked out the door.

I fell onto the ground crying, yes. I know. Dramatic but I was about to find out why my life is such a mess and my best friend ruined it.

"I'm so sorry" Josh came back in.

"I would be angry at you but that's impossible" I smiled up at him.

"Here" he held out his hand. I took it and got up "High School Musical?" He offered.

"Duh!" I laughed. We went into the living room and had a movie marathon of all the three hsm movies and then fell asleep side by side.

Ricky's POV

I was up in my room doing my work when I heard the hsm movie playing downstairs. I trusted Liv and Josh with my life so just headed to bed.

I woke up a few hours later and still heard some movies playing downstairs so decided to go and check on them.

I headed downstairs to see Liv's arm around Josh and Josh's arm around Liv. The were sleeping but must have forgotten to turn the TV off. Or go to bed. So, I turned it off and just left them because they looked pretty comfy.

Then I went upstairs and fell asleep again with the thought of how Nini still looked amazing when she turned up at my house, even if she was fuming. I was trying to ignore my feelings and push them aside but then she turned up. I always thought she looked hotter when she was angry. So much for my No Feelings For Nini plan...

Incase you don't know yet, a new update of this book will be out every Monday!

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