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It was early in the morning in the farm. A week has passed since Rooster's embarrassing incident, and Rooster has since recovered and today marks his first day back on the job. Rooster's job was suppose to make sure that no wild pests come into the farm and scare or harm any of the animals.

"I'm happy to be back to work, hopefully I can go a day without being bother..." Rooster was talking to himself before being interrupted by Hamm. "HEY THERE CHICKEN! HOW'S MY LITTLE BRO DOING." Hamm came and interrupted Rooster. Hamm tends to do this almost every day to Rooster. "What's that? gonna try not to get scared by another dumb fox? Haha!"

"HAMM! Just leave the kid alone!" Yelled Roxy. "Or what Roxy?" "Or I will... will... ahh forget it! Just leave him alone." Roxy told Hamm failing to figure something to do to Hamm.

"Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne

"Alright, alright." Farmer Shep stated loud and clear. "Ok you dogs you know what to do. Rooster you make sure that there are no pests coming into the farm and scaring any animals. Hamm you make sure the animals are in there respective fields and make sure that none of them aren't roaming around. Roxy be sure to check that all animals have their grub and water. Everyone got it?" All three dogs barked in response. Farmer Shep has a big day today. His brothers family was coming over today and for the first time they were bringing their little kid Chucky to the farm.

Hamm went off to show off everybody that he's the alpha dog. He ran over to the cows, for some reason they like to escape their field, but Hamm knows what he's doing as the Austrian Shepherd jumps on the cows and barks at the cows. He manages to get in front of the cows and the cows stopped in annoyance. "Ok cows now it's time to show you who's the boss" Hamm says as he gives the cows the death stare. The cows easily startled by this and now starts to obey Hamm. Hamm barks at the cows commanding them to their field. "Yeah that's right back to your field." The Shepherd told the cows, finally all the cows went back to their field. And Hamm closes the door. As Hamm was ready to get to the sheep he went on to get some flowers for Roxy.

Roxy on the other hand has one of the easiest jobs on the farm, feeding the animals. The barn is where all the food is at for the animals... wait did I say easiest job on the farm?? I meant getting the food was the easiest PART of the job. Roxy has to feed all the Cows, Pigs, Sheep, Chickens, and themselves too. She firsts gets the bag of grubs and goes to the pigs and fills their huge bowl with chunks of grub and it takes about 25 scopes to do it. "Ugh this smell is so bad." Complained Roxy about the stench of the pig den. She then carries the bag over to the cows and does the same thing. As she finally finishes up feeding the animals. Roxy then does some thinking. "I wonder if either Hamm or Rooster are a good choice to date. I mean Hamm is a big idiot, but he knows how to get the job done. And Rooster is not so wise. But he's very nice and sweet." Thought Roxy as she sees Hamm approach her with some flowers in his mouth.


Speaking of Rooster. Rooster was off in the distance from the farm making sure none of the wild animals come into the farm. The forest has a tone of wild animals such as Foxes, Moose, and mountain lions. Rooster always thought to himself why did they give him this job, especially after what happened to him last week. "Ok wild animals you may have almost killed me last week but you ain't doing anything to me this time." The Welsh Sheepdog told himself. Just as he says that the bush starts to rattle, making Rooster anxious. "Who's there!?" Yelled Rooster. Then the bushes started to rattle even more and Rooster was about to run and a figure jumps out the bush. Rooster actually yells in horror but then stops as he sees who it is. It was the young boy named Chuck. "Oh it's only you, don't scare me like that. And why are you all the way here?" Rooster Asked Chuck. "Doggie!" Chuck decided to just hug him and which Rooster responds by licking him. Ok Chuck I'll just take you back to the farm hehe." Rooster then takes Chuck back to the farm not knowing that a another figure was following behind.

A/N: what's up Wattpad it's the Racing Fox here with another chapter to origins Rooster. So Hamm being a jerk again, and possibly trying to steal Roxy from Rooster. And we see a young Chuck! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and be tuned to an update on Origins: Tiberius.

This is the Racing Fox coming down to the checkered flag 🏁

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