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Roxy is a female lemon border collie, who works on the sheep field, making sure they don't get out of their field, along with being fed. And making sure that each pig can get along with each other. Rooster has had a massive crush on Roxy ever since she arrived at the farm. Hamm also has a thing for Roxy, but Roxy won't be dating either one of them since neither can get along with one another.

"Oh hi Roost..." shouted Roxy waging her tail in excitement before seeing him walking backward. "Why are you walking backward?" Asked Roxy in a confused manner. "Oh, it's just a dumb mistake I made. I chewed on a core while being chased by a fox. And Hamm decided to pick on me, I'm just not worth being the farm dog.." explained Rooster.

"Oh, I'm very sorry about that Rooster. And don't put yourself down like that. You are going to be a great farm dog, and don't worry about Hamm, he's a big jerk, he's just trying to scare you from being the leader he's probably scared of you."

"I doubt he'll be scared of me Roxy. But I love those words you gave to me. I appreciate it!" Exclaimed Rooster. "Anytime Rooster! I hope you feel better soon!" "I'll talk to you tomorrow during work. "Right now I just want to get some rest." "Oh ok Rooster." Rooster left to get some rest, not before Roxy was staring at him. *sigh* "he's pretty sweet" admitted Roxy.

Rooster was heading back to his doghouse (or car) to get some rest but before he could arrive, Farmer Shep came by him to check him out. "How are you feeling buddy?" Asked the farmer. Rooster whined in pain. "Yeah I know, I know buddy, look I just wanted to apologize for those harsh words I said to you during our ride back home, and I wanted to give you this as a sign of hope." Farmer Shep gave the Welsh Sheepdog a red handkerchief and wrapped it around his neck. "Hey it looks good on you buddy, well I hope it makes you feel better and motivated for tomorrow." Said the Farmer, and Rooster responded with licks on his face. "Ok ok, Rooster that's enough buddy hehe." "Now I want you to remember these words buddy".

"The first step of not being afraid is acting like you're not afraid." - Farmer Shep.

A/N: Wow! Two chapters in one day! Wow What a surprise. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, along with the new chapter Roxy. Does Rooster have feelings for her? And one more thing before I go. What age do you guys think Rooster is in the movie? In this fanfic, I have Rooster as a young dog. But what do you guys think his age is?

- Rooster

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