Chapter 43

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*vrrrrrr, vrrrrrr*


*vrrrrrr, vrrrrrr*

"Phone...." Someone muttered.

I woke up as I heard a very familiar voice, very close to me.

I flickered my eyes open, trying to adjust my surroundings. I flinched as I saw someone beside me, sleeping.

"Huh?" I muttered.

Blinking widely, I saw Kiel beside me, sleeping comfortably. His arms tightly wrapped around my waist.




"WHA- WAAAAH!!" I exclaimed, rolling out from the bed, making a loud thud.

Kiel jolted up, eyes still closed. "Where whut?"

I stared at him, hoping he'd open his eyes to see me here, staring at him. But instead, he just shrugged it of then went back to bed.

I scoffed, huffing my bangs off my forehead. "Unbelievable...."

I heard a buzz again from my phone at the table beside me. I took it and saw the caller's i.d.


Why would he call at....... lemme check.... 12:36 p.m... okay..

I accepted it putting the phone away from my ear.

"LUCSTERRR!!!!" As expected.

I slowly put the phone to my ear, sighing.

"What?" I muttered in an annoyed tone.

"Oh.. sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked.


I heard a very nervous laugh at the other side. Rolling my eyes, I said, "Why you call?"


"Don't make me repea-"
"Oh! Okay sowwy~~"

"Wait, before you say something. I wanna ask you.."

"Sure, ask away!!"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why is Kiel in my house? And sleeping on my bed?"



I heard another nervous laugh.

"Uhh.." He finally say something. "I was gonna sa-"
"Don't you dare change the topic."


"Oh my god!! Give me the phone!!" I heard a very familiar voice at the other side of the line.

I heard some muttering and shuffles. Then it went silent.


"Hello bro?" I hears Maea's voice.

"Maea?" I frowned.

"Yes, it's me. Please liste-"
"What if I don't?"

"Lucas, I swear-"
"Okay, okay!! I'll listen!!"

I heard her clicking her tongue. Hahah! It's really fun to make fun your sibling every once in a while.

"Big sis-"
"What about her?" I scoffed.


(R.I.P Lucas' ears..)

"OWWW!! What the?!" I exclaimed. I swear my ears are bleeding from her yell.

" Married @ Eighteen " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora