Chapter 102- Ice it

Start from the beginning

"Dang it. What does he do?" Noah asked

"I don't know, I never really asked" I replied

"Bet it's super uptight, and serious" he said

I mean it's the mafia so yeah

"Yeah I bet it is" I replied

we picked up Jamba Juice and went to school.

"I'll see you in class" he said

"See you" I said

I went to my first class

"Sooo anything happened between you and jake?" I asked Jenna

"Maybe" she said

"Spill" I said

"He kissed me" she said

"Omg no way" I said

"Yup" I replied

"Finally you're getting a boyfriend" I said

"He never asked me out, he only kissed me" she said

"Well you know what that usually leads up to" I said

"Girls, detention" the teacher said


"I can't" I said

"Not my problem, detention after school" the teacher said

I went back to the lesson, I am suppose to go with Aidan to the meeting.

The bell rang and I went to chemistry.

"Hey stoopid" he said jokingly

I liked him calling me stoopid

"Hey dummy" I replied

"What happened, you look sad" he said

"I'm fine, I have detention but I'm suppose to go with Aidan" I said

"Oh, it's ok. It's only detention, I bet you can go another day with Aidan." He said

"Haha, Aidan will get mad, he wants me to be perfect" I replied

"Not everyone's perfect, especially not him" Noah replied

"Tell that to him" I said

We listened to the lesson and I went to lunch. I sat down with Noah and his friends.

I texted Aidan that I got detention after school, instead he called me.

"Alexis is this your way to get out of going, because I'll just make sure you go to more of my meetings" he said

"I didn't mean to get detention, the teacher didn't even give me a warning" I said hearing frustrated

"Well after your detention, you're in trouble" he said angry

"Aidan it's a detention, not a suspension. I can go to one of your other meetings. Why is this one so important" I replied

"It's important" he said

"Aidan I'll just go to a different one, it's not a big deal" I said

"It is, I'll see you at home" he replied

He hung up the phone and I ran to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a broken person.

I gripped the sink and pushed back the tears. I calmed myself down. I wiped the tear that slipped. I went back to the lunch room.

"You ok?" Noah asked

"Yeah" I said with a fake smile

I continued eating lunch. After lunch I went to class. It was pretty boring, and now I had detention with Jenna. We made the best of it, after detention Jenna went home. I texted my brothers to pick me up. No one responded. I called and texted them, no answer. I guess I was going to walk home. I grabbed my backpack and made my way. A 20 minute drive home turned to a 2 hour walk. My knee started hurting, I was overdoing it now, but I had to keep going.

I finally reached home and my knee gave out.

"Fuck" I whispered.

I limped upstairs, and went in my room.

I started doing my homework. After finishing I went downstairs and got food and a ice pack. I saw Aidan coming towards the kitchen

"Your punishment was for me to walk home. My knee gave out, even the doctor said not to overdo it" I said

"You shouldn't have gotten detention, you're still coming with me tomorrow" he said

"I can't, I can barely walk without limping" I said

"Ice it, you'll be fine" he said

I grab the ice pack and my food and went upstairs.

I elevated my knee, and put the ice pack on it. I finished my food and took medicine for the pain.

Ryan came running into my room.

"What do you want?" I asked

"Just wanted to say hi" he replied

"Well leave, you couldn't even pick me up from school, who says you can even say hi to me" I replied

"Aidan told us not to" he replied

"That just makes it worse for you. You're so far from forgiveness right now. Secondly I had to walk from school and my knee gave out the minute I got home. What if it gave out in the middle of the sidewalk." I said

"We didn't th-

"No, just leave. You don't care anymore" I said


"LEAVE" I shouted

He left my room

I fell asleep, and woke up the next day. My knee was doing better but it still hurt. I got ready and took medicine for the knee.

"I'm picking you up today" Aidan said

"Actually try picking me up and not making me walk" I replied

I grabbed my backpack and went to Noah's car

"Hey cutie" he said

"Hi handsome" I replied

"How was detention?" He asked

"Fine" I replied

"I saw you limping a bit, is your knee okay?" He asked

"Yeah I overdid the workout" I replied

"Ok, well be careful still" he said

"Ok" I replied

We reached school, and went to our classes.

"He didn't pick me up, I walked home" I said to Jenna

"What an ass" she replied

"Yeah I know" I replied

The lesson was boring and I went to chemistry. Chemistry was also boring, and the rest of the school day was.

I waited outside for Aidan to come. He finally pulled up.

"Get in" he said

I get in his car and he drives off.

He was wearing a full on suit. We stayed silent the whole drive.

"Ok, listen, don't speak until I tell you to, don't wander away from me. Stay next to me" he said

"Ok" I replied

We pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. Aidan parked his car, and we both got out

This better not take all day


Will the meeting be fine? Will it be bad? Find out next time, see you later byeeee

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