She was traumatized.

No amount of therapy was helping her. She was scared. Scared of everything. The sound of Adonis's voice even startled her when he asked if she needed anything.

Adonis looked across the room at Paisley who just sat in the chair, staring off into space. He walked over to her, leaning down in front of her chair. Paisley's eyes followed him.

"I know this is hard for you, Paisley but you got to tell us what's going on. That's the only way that we can help you."

Paisley shook her head as tears fell down her face. Everything in her wanted to tell them the horrors that's she's been through but she didn't know how to put it in words. They were replaying over and over in her mind as if it were a movie.

Instead of pressuring her anymore, Adonis hugged her and kissed her forehead. Although he wanted to know what was wrong, he wasn't going to force her to talk. He had to wait until she was ready.

"Adonis, you're going to be late for school." Katrina says after the detective left.

Adonis skipped three days of school just to be home with his sister and his son who had the stomach flu. Since Sasha claimed she had to work, and couldn't stay home. He knew that he's missed out on so much work since then.

"I'm about to leave now. I won't be home after school. I'll be at the gym." Adonis said.

"Mhm. Just don't be coming in my house at no three in the morning." Katrina called after Adonis as he rushed out the door.

Arriving to school instantly made Adonis want to skip a few more days. People were giving him condolences as if his sister had passed away. Some of them had the wrong information and thought she died. It was starting to become a nuisance.

Near his locker, Adonis dropped his bag on the floor and leaned up against it. The way that his phone had been ringing, he thought that something was seriously wrong when he saw Sasha's name flashing across the screen. She had never called him back to back like this. He ignored her calls on the way to school.

"What?" Adonis asked with aggravation.

Sasha kissed her teeth, "Don't answer me like that. I can't believe you didn't stop by to pick up your son to take him to school. Now I'm about to be late for work."

"I know you ain't call me six times for this bullshit. What's wrong with you dropping him off to school? I do it every day. You do it one time and it's a fucking issue." Adonis snapped.

"Either way you supposed to come pick him up like you promised. You out here breaking promises now?"

"Sasha get off my line before I hurt your fucking feelings." Adonis pressed and held the bridge of his nose. Just like that, Sasha got his temper boiling.

It took him a few to calm his nerves. Adonis pulled his locker open and collected his books.

"You look like you having a bad morning." Ebony said as she leaned against the lockers beside Adonis. Once he didn't answer her, she continued, "Anyway. I just wanted to see how you was doing? How's Paisley?"

"She good." Adonis mumbled. He threw his bag over his shoulders, not in the mood to talk to Ebony, he started towards his first class. He immediately wished that he was high. It seemed to get him through a long day at school.

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