The Good Kids

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The bad kids

Are the ones

Like me

The ones who

End up in therapy

The ones who

Dyed their hair

The ones with

No daddy

The bad kids

Don't come from


They have no

Social standing.

They skateboard,

Or they smoked

A cigarette but

These things are

Decided before we

Do anything at all.

They are

Decided by

The parents of

The good kids

No matter how

Many cigarettes

They smoke or

Cars they crash

They are good

Because they

Wear the right jeans

Even when they

Pulled those jeans

Down to rape my

Sister they were

The good kids

And we were the

Bad kids

Because our parents

Didn't have the

Fancy house with

The finished basement

Perfect for committing


The good kids

Laughed at her

Body. They

Traded her

Picture like

A baseball


The good kids

With their

New cars they

Could use to drive

Away from us bad kids

With our lemon sucking

Lack of lawyers,

The good kids have

No right to be called

Good and we have no

Right to the word bad

Because that is forgetting

What those words mean

And the math


The math

Doesn't add up.

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