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My therapist

The one

Assigned to me

For my personal

Slavery of forced talkings

Her smile always

So damn genuine when

She looks at me-

Her name I forget-

Brings me an herbal

Concoction she claims

Is tea.

She sits with me

As I stare into

The minty green.

I tell her tea is

An agricultural

Product of the

Leaves, leaf buds,

And internodes

Of the majestic

Camellia sinensis


And whatever this

Mockery is it is not

Tea- she laughs with me.

I feel my anger loosen

Despite everything,

She's trying so hard

For me, and I am a shit.


She sips hers and

Offers that it isn't so bad

I sigh and drink and sigh

Okay, Okay, Tea also

Can be a reference to

Any beverage made from

Cured leaves and water,

But believe me when

I tell you this is still

A bit of a mockery.

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