Patience and Kindness

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It was time for our therapy workshop and everyone gathered into the room and sat in their seats waiting for Dr Namjoon. It was a chilly day so some had brought in their hospital blankets to keep warm. In the corner of my eye I see a familiar face that I haven't seen in a long time. It was Lisa. 

Her face lights up when she sees me, Jackson and Jennie and quickly walks through the wave of seated patients until she comes face to face with us. She gives each of us welcoming hugs and takes her seat.  

"Good to see that you're better Lisa" Jackson says he gives her a tight side hug. 

"I feel much better. My sister came to visit me the other day so seeing her made my recovery much better. I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too. It wouldn't feel the same without you." I chuckle. 

"Ppff of course it wouldn't. Can't have one clown do all the work, right?" She says jokingly making us laugh. It's sometimes hard to believe that we're actual adults.

Laughter and chatter soon dies down when Dr Namjoon enters. He had his bundle of folders as usual and lays them on the table. He clears his throat and begins to speak.

"Morning everyone. Hope you all are doing well. I see some familiar faces again so I'm glad you're back. So today we're going to catch up on our list that I had you all do and to go further into the topic about love." He pauses and smiles "I hope you all didn't forget"

Everyone in the room look at each other like children who had forgotten their homework or finding someone who had the answers to a test.

He chuckles seeing everyone's reaction "It's not something that's graded but I wanted to make sure that you all have been keeping up with it. This isn't school after all. This is all to help you in your healing process." He stops to take out a paper. It look like an except from a poem.

"Most of you have heard of the poem 'Love is Patient. Love is Kind', right?"

Everyone shakes their head yes. 

He sits down on top of the round table with his hand holding the paper and the other on the table for support. "In your own words, what does it mean to be patient?"

"To wait patiently without worry" One person answers.

Namjoon nods "Hmm. What else?"

"To take time" Another person answers.

Namjoon nods with agreement "That's also a good one. To be patient requires a lot of strength. Naturally we all wants things instantly. Instant gratification. Whether it's waiting for food, getting a text back and so on. As human beings we don't like to wait. What does it mean to be kind?"

"To be loving" And old man answers. 

"Mmhm. What else?"

"To be considerate" Another patient answers.

No one answers. Jennie suddenly answers. "When I think of the word kind, I think of gentle and being helpful but sometimes being kind can get you into some unwanted trouble"

"That I agree. Kindness is seen as a weakness but it's not. Being patient and kind are what makes people unique. Some people lack kindness and are extremely impatient. We love to be impatient. We love to be unkind sometimes. See how I'm putting so much emphasizes on the word love? We love negative things. We love negativity when it's not needed. That's why it's hard to love ourselves because we love everything that is negative about ourselves. That's why when I asked you to make a list of all the things you love and hate about yourself, a lot of you had more on the hate side than the love side."

As he said those words I myself was starting to understand why each of us had a purpose being here. I was struck with reality and slowly starting to see how all of us are alike in some way. 

We continues to have the discussion for about twenty minutes. Namjoon hands each of us a black piece of paper and instructs us to write a poem about what it means to be patient and kind. It didn't matter how we wrote it on the paper. Writing a poem about this topic was difficult. I couldn't really put words together to make coherent sentences. My mind was a blank as this paper. I manged to write a couple of sentences but kept crossing them out. I spent the next ten minutes scribbling and crossing out sentences and ended up with at least three sentences. 

Namjoon stands up and observes the room and says "How was the exercise? Was it difficult? Fun? Easy?"

Some said it was hard, some said easy and some couldn't finish. I was relieved.

"Take this exercise with a grain of salt. You can keep your poems or discard them if you want but please keep in mind that these exercises are mean't to help you. So does anyone have any questions or concerns?"

Silence filled the room, letting Dr Namjoon know that it was alright to end the workshop. I don't know what came over me but  decided to speak.

"Wait...I-I have a question for you?"

Namjoon sits on the same round table, crosses his legs and crosses his arms. I now have his undivided attention "Oh. What is your question, Y/N?"

I feel my face heat up just by looking at his handsome bare face. His tall stature never seems to make me not fall even more in love with this man. But he's my doctor and nothing more. 

"You said that we love hating the negative aspects of ourselves. But would it be wrong to love someone who lacks patients and kindness?

Namjoon is taken by surprise by my question but smiles.

"Someone who lacks patients will never be patient. Someone who lacks kindness will never be kind. Loving someone who patiently waits for you is kind. Someone who is kind will patiently wait for you. Sadly there are people out there that do love people who lack patience and kindness...Does this answer your question, Y/N?" 

"Uhh...I think so...Thank you"

"Just to let everyone know that I'm not a perfect human. I'm just a psychology. I don't have all the answers to your questions but I try my best to help the best way possible. Thanks everyone and I'll see you all again soon"

Everyone makes there way out of the room and I walk side by side with Lisa with Jennie and Jackson following behind. Lisa nudges me lightly on the rib as we pass by Namjoon, and whispers "You should finally make a confession, Y/N."

I'm not even 100% sure about my feelings for Namjoon. I'm his patient. I can't confess...I still have lingering and confused feelings for someone else.....

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