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As usual the cafeteria was full with patients with half portion of them already munching down on their first meal of the day, while the other half were on line portioning themselves a plate of food. I didn't feel all that hungry but I had to make sure that there was food in my plate or else I seemed suspicious. I went for a carton of orange juice, an apple, a small portion of scrambled eggs, a slice of bread and a chocolate chip muffin, and went to my table to eat with the rest of my friends. 

Jackson peeks over his shoulder to examine my plate and lightly laughs. "That's all you're gonna have for breakfast, Y/N?"

I poke the scrambled eggs with a fork with my palm resting on my chin "Yeah I guess. I'm not all that hungry this morning."

Jennie sips her cup of apple juice and chimes into the small conversation "Couldn't get much sleep, last night?"

I raise an eyebrow and look in her direction. "How did you know?"

She shrugs and spoons a mouthful of lightly sweetened cereal. She wipes her mouth with a napkin. "I just know. Whenever I can't sleep I can't eat."

"That's the opposite for me. Whenever I can't eat I sleep. It helps me forget about eating. And when I forget about eating I just feel like there's no need to eat. But then I feel bad and just eat large portions of food til my stomach is about to explode. Then I feel like I've gained 100 pounds and just purge...." He stops abruptly as he realizes he got carried away with the conversation. He bites his lip instinctively and looks down a his plate "Sorry... I think you both probably lost your appetites now"

I pat his shoulder to comfort him "Umm no need to be sorry, Jackson. It was something that you had probably been holding in for such a long time that it needed to be let out." 

Jackson smiles softly but his glossy red eyes tells a different story.

"Speaking of that there's also something I need to spill out." Jennie announces. "I also struggle with a severe eating disorder. Throughout my early teens I was always picked on for being the smallest person in the family and in school. So I'd eat more just to get people to shut up about it but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't gain any weight. I loved food. I wanted to own a restaurant. It was my dream. When I moved to South Korea in my mid teens it got worst. By the time I turned twenty I was able to open a small restaurant in Seoul. I was happy. Then one day a customer had dropped by to celebrate her anniversary with her husband. Had a tiny waist, wore an extravagant dress and heels. She was no celebrity but she looked like one. I can remember the look on that woman's face when she saw me. She just had this look that said 'You better not be eyeing my husband or else I'll kill you'."

Jackson and I listen attentively. 

"I went over to take their order. The woman was just so picky about what she wanted. Didn't want any meat, nothing to fattening, dairy free and so on. I remember her saying something like this 'Ugh! This place is not for me! It's so fattening. Just looking at this place is making feel like I gained 300 pounds already'. She said all of that with such a bitchy face and attitude. Her husband was handsome looking guy but he had this creepy vibe that radiated off of him. I noticed her husband kept looking at me. Undressing me with his eyes. I just wanted to take their order and that's it because her husband was making feel extremely uncomfortable. I tried not to pay attention to him and finished taking their order. As I was about to walk away I felt his hand slip up my leg and grope me"

As I was listening to her telling her story Jennie's entire body was shaking. Even her voice was starting to sound uneven. 

"I didn't do anything so just walked away. I should've stood up and called him out but I was scared. My crew stopped me to ask why I looked so flushed. Told them it was nothing and that I was heading to the bathroom to wash up a bit and come back. I washed my face, fixed my hair and uniform and took a couple of breaths to calm myself down. Once I was about to step out, her husband had stepped in and locked the door....Next thing I knew he was assaulting me....That nasty bastard had his hands all over me telling me that I was the right shape and type for him. That young women like me are the reasons why men don't like fat women. That his wife was ugly and fat" Her lips quiver and her eyes fill up with tears.

"I was only 130 pounds which was a healthy weight for my age and height....I didn't know how to react. My body just froze. On the inside I was screaming but my lips just couldn't open to scream for help. Then the door swung open and there was his wife. She was heated and her husband frozen with fear. She knew what he was doing to me but instead of trying to attack her husband she decided to attack me. She just started yelling 'You fat bitch! I knew you were after my husband!' and started throwing punches at me. My employees came in to stop it and then police arrived five minutes later. Witnesses at my restaurant said they had saw her husband groping me while the wife had lied to the policed saying that I had been flirting with him and caused the incident. Last thing she said to me was 'Maybe if you had lost some weight that maybe the assault wouldn't have happened'. They were both charged with assault but soon after that incident, I lost my restaurant and apartment and moved back to the US and stayed with my older sister. It was then I became anorexic and my PTSD kicked in. My sister found me unconscious in my bed and I ended up here.....All that hard work for nothing! I loved my restaurant so much."

Jennie broke down in tears. I reach for her hand and hold it tightly offering her the needed comfort. Jackson joins as well. 

"It wasn't your fault." I console her. 

Jackson agrees "Like what my doctor said, you reacted in a way that was only natural for people whenever they're about to get severely hurt. But you can always get your restaurant back. You can always get the things that made you happy back"

I mentally repeated the last sentence Jackson mentioned. Dancing was something that made me happy. My childhood sweetheart was also the last thing that made me happy. But maybe there's a chance that I'll never be happy again. That my life will never be normal.

Will I ever get my happiness back?......

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