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Next two days go by uneventful. Except Teddy and Cassi flirting, as well as Harry flirting with Draco. Harry complements Draco and Draco  always blushes. He doesn't quite know how to react to Harry's complements. Everyone in the burrow has noticed this change. Everyone pushes Harry and Draco together. Everyone except Ron who yet doesn't approve of Draco.

"Harry dear." Molly calls. "Do you mind going down to Diagon Alley and getting me a few stuff?"

"Not at all Molly. What do you need?" Harry asks and Molly gives him a list.

"Take Draco and Cassi. I can see that girl getting bored at home. Young children can't sit for long." Molly chuckles. "Maybe take her to George's. She might enjoy helping him."

Harry agreed and goes to the garden to ask Draco and Cassi to join him. Cassi says yes in an instant and then so does Draco. They apparate to Diagon Alley. Cassi asks to stroll alone and that if she is lost she'll ask way to George's shop. Draco is hesitant at first but eventually lets go. He looks at Harry and Harry tells they have to go to apothecary first. Molly needs few potions. Harry holds the door open for Draco and they enter the shop. Draco blushes at this gentlemanly behavior. Draco absentmindedly starts browsing the potions and helps Harry select the best ones.

"Do you still brew? I remember you being the best in our year." Harry asks and Draco blushes even harder at this complement.

"I have a secret lab in America. I brew there. Me and Tori couldn't use muggle medicines." Draco stated.

They then go down to the grocery store to buy some food. As they go ahead, they see Cassi meet Blaise. Then they see few people gathering them and they run towards her but its to late. Draco screams and Harry tries to calm him down. Harry sends a patronus to Robards and within minutes there are aurors all around. Draco sits on the ground clutching his head in his hand and Harry holds him. He doesn't say reassuring words because he knows its of no use. He has been in this position to many times. Aurors come and starts asking questions around. Within time, they are in the burrow with three aurors.

Draco sits on the sofa in living room. Harry is still holding him. He clutches Harry as Harry is his lifeline and Harry strokes his back. Draco sobs into his chest and Harry let's him. They sit there for an hour. Two aurors leave to get documents to go and search in Malfoy Manor.


Cassi strolled down Diagon Alley and sees a pet shop. Just as she was about to enter, she crashes on someone.

"I'm sorry." They say together.

"Cassi. Are you alright?"

"Blaise." Cassi smiles. "Yeah sorry. I didn't see where I was going."

"Its alright. Where's Draco?" He asks.

"Buying some stuff for nana Molly with uncle Harry. How are you and Aunt Daphne?" Cassi asks.

"Daphne is fine. She is learning how to make magic portraits. She's in her classes now." Blaise explains.

"Magic portraits? How are they? What do they do?" Cassi asks.

Just as Blaise begins to explain them to Cassi, four people apparate in front of them, wearing black robes and silver masks. Blaise tries at get his wand but is late and is instantly stunned in body binder. Cassi yells and they catch Cassi and Blaise. They apparate and reach to a huge ballroom. The ballroom has a portrait of Draco, Lucius and Narcissa. They immediately understand what's happening. One of them casts a spell at them and they immediately fall down unconscious.

After a while, Cassi wakes up at the sound of Blaise. Cassi slowly opens her eyes and then with a jolt sits up straight. She looks around and she understands that they are in a celler.

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