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"You ready darling?" Draco asked Cassi.

"Will you ever wear colour? All you ever wear is black." Cassi asks.

"You are colourful enough for the both of us." Draco smiles, looking at her rainbow top and black shorts. "Come on. We have to leave."

"How do we go?" Cassi asks.

"We floo. Harry will show you how. He will go first. Then you and then me." Draco says.

"Can I do that? I'm not magic." Cassi asks.

"From right places, yes you can." Harry smiles.

Harry shows Cassi how to floo and Cassi sees him vanish in green flames.

"Wicked!" Cassi grins then goes and stands in the fireplace.

"Remember to Say Diagon Alley out loud and clear. Harry will be there waiting for you. Stand with him. And try to ignore the public and press." Draco explains.

Cassi nods, takes a handfull of powder and throws it down. Green flames starts to surround her and she loudly says Diagon Alley. Green flames surround her entirely and she feels a pull. She feels as if she's being sucked into a hole and suddenly she's not. She falls down in a fire place. Hands suddenly catch her and she looks up to see Harry. She smiles, gets up and starts to dust herself.

"Let me." Harry smiles and flicks his wand. All of the dust and soot from Cassi's clothes vanish.

"Thanks uncle Harry." She smiles.

Green flames roar and out comes Draco Malfoy. Some wizard points him out and everyone on the street stops. They all look at Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Some people look at Draco angry while some are still in shock. Draco keeps his head high and pretends to ignore the gasps and whispers. Cassi's eyes narrow and she holds Draco's arm.

"Come on dad. Let's go. Come on uncle Harry." Cassi says. Cassi walks in between Harry and Draco, catching both of them in one arm each.

"Cassi, would you like some magical stationary?" Draco smiles and asks.

"How is that even a question? You know I'm a sucker for stationary." Cassi smiles.

Draco and Harry walk Cassi to a stationary shop. Cassi looks at Harry, silently asking to look after her father. Harry nods and Cassi runs of checking things. She checks out quills in so many forms and shapes. So many different types of feathers and she smiles.

"How may I help you?" An old lady comes and asks.

"What kind of quill is this?" Cassi asks.

"This is Phoenix feather. One of the most special feathers to be made a quill of." The shop lady says.

"Phoenix are real?" Cassi asks with her eyes wide.

"Why, yes they are real. You didn't know that?" The shop lade asks.

"No. I'm a muggle. I only found out about magic a few months ago." Cassi replies.

"Who are you here with?" Shop lady asks.

"With my father. He is a wizard. I'm a muggle. I'm adopted." Cassi smiles and points towards Draco.

"Is that. Is that Draco Malfoy?" Shop lady asks in shock. Cassi nods. "And he's your father? He adopted you? A muggle?" She asks. Cassi smiles and nods again amused by the reaction of this lady. "I don't believe you. Malfoys are known for their pureblood prejudices. Rotten to the core they are. They all deserve to rot in azkaban, those pests. There is no way he is your father." The shop lady says with venom in her sound.

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