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"Oh for fucks sake!" Cassi cried out loud on breakfast table the next day. She woke up pretty early. She wasn't really able to sleep.

"Don't let your father hear you say that." Charlie said, while running his hand over his firery red hair. He was the only one awake along with Cassi.

"Do you mind it uncle Charlie?" Cassi asked.

"Not at all child." Charlie smiled.

"Then my father doesn't has to hear about this." Cassi smirked.

"Lying to your father?" Charlie asked.

"I'm a teenager. And everybody lies."

"Yes but I didn't think you and Draco would lie to each other." Charlie stated.

"The thing is, you should know what things should be lied about. Like my dad say I baked the cake perfect when we both know I suck at it. And me lying about cursing. Its not harming or hurting anyone. So it's alright." Cassi explained.

"How big is the article?" Charlie asked.

"About two page. I can't understand how one manages to write such a short thing for two bloody pages. I haven't even been here four days and I'm already on the front page thrice. Oh to be famous." Cassi said the last sentence sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"You will have to deal with that a lot now. Not much was happening in the wizarding world for at least a couple of years. You both are going to be constant topic now. I'm sure they are selling more papers than they have in quite a while." Charlie said.

"I just hope they don't attack dad much." Cassi said softly.

Charlie got up as an owl tapped the window. He gave the owl a treat and it flew off. Charlie got back to his seat, opened the letter then smiled. Cassi was curious but didn't ask.

"You can ask." Charlie reassured.

"I know. But dad told me that if a person is comfortable enough then they will talk themselves." Cassi smiled.

"That's good advice. Its from my husband. He says he misses me." Charlie smiled.

"I didn't know you're married." Cassi raised her eyebrows.

"Fifteen years last month." Charlie's smile grew wider.

"Where is he?" Cassi asked.

"Canada, for a week. Healers conference. He's a dark magic healing specialist. Dark curses, poisons, potions, etc." Charlie explained.

"Sounds interesting." Cassi smiled.

Cassi and Charlie chatted while Cassi talked about her life in America. Then Cassi told Charlie about her being worried about Lucius and asked Charlie to do a thing for her. Charlie agreed and promised he won't tell anyone about it unless it was necessary. Then to distract Cassi from worrying Charlie told her stories from his work and about his husband Michael. After a while Harry entered the room and helped himself with breakfast. Few minutes later, Draco entered.

Harry smiled at Draco. He was no longer all dressed up. He wore loose dark blue T-shirt and grey joggers. His white blond hair was wet and unkept as he had just showered. Harry loved this carefree, unkept look of Draco.

As soon as Draco entered the kitchen, he stopped at the entrance. He saw Harry smiling at him. His Raven black hair more merry than usual and His emerald green eyes looking at Draco from behind of those black round glasses. Draco's cheeks immediately became pink and he bit his inner cheek to keep from blushing. He gave a shy smile to Harry then sat besides Cassi. He gave Cassi a quick kiss on her forehead and helped himself with cocoapuffs.

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