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Harry reached to the gates of burrow and smiled. He was home, well, his second home. Ever since the war was over, he was living in grimauld place with Andromeda and Teddy. They still lived there. Today he had come here, to the burrow, with a purpose. A purpose that he felt he needed to do. Something he had to do or he couldn't live. He opened the door and was immediately greeted with hugs and kisses. Molly like always embraced him in her motherly arms. So did Andromeda. They all settled on the table. The room was filled with aroma of food, warmth and love. When finally all had settled on the table, Harry finally spoke.

"Everyone. You will not believe who I met in America and what I have been through." He said and everyone coaxed him to tell. "I met Draco Malfoy."

Gasps all over, Harry smirked for he knew the reactions they were going to give beforehand. He made everyone quite down and told his story. He told them about a young Indian American girl named Cassiopeia Malfoy. A muggle girl who was adopted by none other that Draco Malfoy. He told them about their house which was as warm and cozy as the burrow. He told them about Draco's struggles, his abused childhood, his forcefully given dark mark, his survival ever since he was a child, his running away with Astoria Greengrass, starting over new life, him adopting Cassi. He told them how Cassi knew every bad thing Draco had done indirectly and without the actual knowledge of the war. He told how Cassi knew his father was a bully so he raised her not to be one and not tolerate it either. He told about Draco's guilt and regret. He told about how well he had raised his daughter along with Astoria. He told about Astoria's death. He told them about picking her up from the party. He told him about how open and honest Draco's relationship with his daughter is. Then he told about how he talked Draco into telling Cassi the truth. He told them how Draco told Cassi the truth and how Cassi wants him to go back to his roots. He told how he wants Cassi to feel that she can have a real family with aunts and uncles and grandparents and how he asks everyone to give Cassi two months of their lives and permission to stay in burrow for the summer.

The room went quite. Everyone glanced at each other. So many questions in so many minds but none knowing how to frame them or ask. Harry silently counted seconds, waiting for any kind of reaction. To his relief, a few moments later, he saw Molly and Arthur smile at each other then smile at Andromeda. Molly finally spoke.

"Harry dear. I think you and the kids have some cleaning to do. If they are living here for two months, I want them to have some space as well. After everything they have gone through, I'm sure this will be utterly overwhelming for them. Especially for Draco." Molly smiled.

"I don't know about the rest of you lot but I for one would love to meet my nephew and my granddaughter." Andromeda smiled.

"I. I've hated him so much for all the bullying and prejudice he showed me. Somehow, I think now I can actually feel peace about it. It makes me feel better, understanding why he did all that he did. If anything you said about him is truth at all Harry, I think he has people here waiting for him. People he can call friends and family." Hermione smiled.

"And Harry can finally shag him. Merlin knows he never got over Malfoy." Ginny laughed.

"What do you mean Gin? I don't feel that way about him." Harry snapped.

"Harry we all know that's a lie. You have always been obsessed with him. Even all these years when he wasn't here. Call him in Harry. I'd love to see this new and reformed Malfoy with a muggle child." George said.

Harry rolled his eyes then looked at Ron.

"I can't say I believe you Harry. I hear Draco Malfoy and all I can remember is that blood purist git. I can't truly believe you but I would like to see it with my own eyes." Ron said with all seriousness.

Harry nodded at Ron and looked at Bill, Percy and Fluer. They all gave their reassurance as well. After a happy lunch, Harry took out his phone and texted Malfoy saying everyone is excited to spend the summer with them.


May, June and July passed in haze. Harry and Draco both told Cassi about their summer plans and Cassi has been over the moon ever since. Harry called Cassi every week. They'd talk for at least an hour. Cassi would tell him every gossip she heard or witnessed. She talked about her paintings and new tricks she taught Orion. Draco couldn't help but feel mixed emotions.  The teenager in him wanted nothing but to get the boy he loved and he felt a little envious. The man he grew up to be was realistic and knew this was the best he can get. And for the sake of Cassi, he might as well embrace it. Cassi but made sure that special secrets and her feelings she would only tell to her father. She made sure her father is her utmost priority. She made sure to tell her father everyday that she loves him and is proud of him. She reminded him that he deserves the best and was never at fault for his past, and that his past doesn't define him. His present is was defines him and his present is pretty good.

Draco and Harry tell her stories of their childhood. Draco tells her about Hogwarts, about how he started questioning his sexuality and finally finding out he's gay. Draco told her about how he felt when Harry died. He told her about how he was treated for being a Malfoy. He told her everything he ever felt and went through. Many times in between he used to think that this is the moment his daughter would turn on him and he will lose her as well. All those times all Cassi did was take him in her arms and gave her father the love he deserves. She gave Draco the love of a family. This was different. She gave him a daughter's love. Draco never knew how it felt to love a parent but when he felt the love his daughter gave him, he embraced it. Instead of them falling apart, they were closer than ever.

Finally, when their time had come to leave America, Cassi and Draco sat on the chairs in the airport, waiting to board their plane for london. Draco kept an eye on his watch. Seconds ticked and ticked. When the watch clocked 12 am london time, Draco hit send on the message he had typed two hours ago.

Happy birthday.
Draco and Cassiopeia Malfoy.

Draco put his phone in the bag. His anticipation grew but he controlled his urge to check if Potter replied to his message. Fifteen minutes passed and they finally got to board the plane. Draco was nervous. He didn't know how he would handle being in the home of people he had hurt so bad. He wouldn't have been able to do so if he were alone. He glanced at Cassi who was looking out of the window as the scenery outside became smaller and smaller. Her smile and excitement calmed Draco and he felt he might be okay. He also felt a presence. He knew what it was. It was a presence of reassurance he had felt almost at entire year. A presence of his best friend. In his heart he knew he wasn't alone. He knew Astoria was with him, looking over him from above. The air that touched his skin and passed in the closed area, sitting in the plane, he smiled. He knew Astoria would always find a way to comfort him. He knew that if she were here, she'd held his hand, give him her warm and loving smile, and without saying anything she would say so much. He knew with Astoria and Cassi, he would be fine.

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