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"Are you ready?" Cassi asks.

"No. But what the hell." Draco replies.

Cassi takes Draco's hand and their fingers intertwine, then she knocks on the door. The door flings open and an old lady with curly black hair stands in front of them smiling warmly. Draco looks at her and freezes.

"Bellatrix!" He almost yells.

"Draco dear. Its me. Andromeda. I look a lot like her, don't I?" She said trying to calm Draco down.

Draco starts to breath. "I'm sorry. You look so much like her, I. I."

"Its alright." She says and pulls Draco in a warm hug. Cassi lets go of his hand. She then turns towards Cassi. "Cassi!"

"Andromeda." Cassi smiles.

"That's Nana Tonks for you my dear." She says and pulls Cassi in a hug. "Come on in. Lunch is ready."

Andromeda leads them inside. The room quietens and almost everyone smiles at them. Orion runs inside the house and immediately pounces on Harry. Harry pets him then looks at Cassi and Draco.

"Cassi." Harry gives a huge smile and Cassi runs to hug him. "Draco." Harry nods. "Everyone. This is Cassiopeia Malfoy. Cassi, this is Molly and Arthur." Harry introduces.

"Cassi dear." Molly smiles and gives Cassi a hug. "Draco dear." Molly smiles and to Draco's surprise pull him into a hug as well. "We are so happy to have the both of you."

"Thank you for having us Mrs Weasley." Draco smiles shyly.

"Draco." Arthur smiles kindly and shakes Draco's hand.

"Cassi. This is uncle Ron and aunt Hermione." Harry introduces.

Ron and Hermione smile warmly at Cassi. Then Hermione smiles at Draco and tells them she's happy to meet them. Ron's arm possessively go around Hermione's shoulder as he gives Draco an untrusting glare. Cassi notices and catches Draco's arm as a protective gesture and glares at Ron. Ron sees the gesture of this sixteen year old child being so protective of her father and then smiles. He nods at Draco and Draco nods back. Harry calls out Cassi and introduces him to George.

"George. This is Cassi." Harry says.

George smiles at Cassi and then puts his hand out for shaking. As Cassi takes his hand red and yellow sparks start to sparkle and fly above their hands. Cassi immediately retreats her hand and giggles.

"That was so cool. I like you the most by far." Cassi laughed.

"I thought you liked me the most." Harry pouted.

"The golden boy can't get everything it seems." Cassi smirks and everyone laughs out loud.

"I like her Harry." George laughs then turns to Cassi. "You're in for a treat tomorrow little lady. I'll take you to my joke shop."

Cassi's eyes brighten. "Your joke shop! The one with magical pranks uncle Harry told me about?" She squeals excitedly and George says yes. She looks at Draco hopefully and he nods. "Eeeeehhh"  She squeals in excitement.

"Hi. Im Charlie." Charlie extends his arm and Cassi takes it.

"You're the one who works with dragons?" Cassi asks and he nods. "How cool. Can you take me to see the dragons?" Cassi asks.

Before Charlie can say anything Draco yells. "Absolutely not! You are not going anywhere near that dangerous creature. Don't even think about it."

"But dad I've never seen dragons!" Cassi cries.

"I said no Cassi. No more arguments." Draco said sternly and Cassi sighs.

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