"If he has abused you, he should have that treatment in return." Uncle Charlie responded giving me the evil eye for even thinking about putting a hand on my mate.

Izza lifted her hand to ask him to listen to her. "I'm sorry if you misunderstood. Devon has never laid a hand on me in anger. Yes, he has hurt me emotionally, but when he brought me here he saved me. He saved me from a very abusive home life when he found me at The Claiming. Even though he did not want a mate. Yes, he has neglected me, but I can't say that I would still be alive had he not taken me away. I have been truly grateful for every moment that I have had since I came here. Now we have an opportunity to be everything we should have been and I don't want to have any setbacks in that."

"Understood Luna. Do you have any other ideas of how he should pay for his crimes?" They look at her expectantly.

"I think the Nursery could use a volunteer. Lots of diapers need changing, pups need to be feed, held, and coddled to sleep. He's great with pups, and it's a humbling experience taking care of the future of our Pack." The pride in her voice as she says our Pack nearly takes me to her knees. If my mate wants me to volunteer with the pups I will do just that. No argument from this guy.

"A very diplomatic decision. We are in awe Izza. That brings me to the other matter at hand. We originally brought you here as Nikki because you have never been inducted into the Pack. Now, we understand why the Alpha had put this off, but are you ready to become a member of the Elder Watch? Are you ready to become our Luna?" Alpha Asher asked.

"Yes and no. I want a little time to work out my issues with my mate before I am announced to the Pack. We are in a good place, but we still have a lot to work through. I want that all done before, it is official. I don't want to continue to lie. That has not been good for us, but I want to wait on the official ceremony. Is that okay?" Izza asked looking at me.

"Of course Luna. News travels fast, so I wouldn't suggest more than a few weeks. You don't want the Pack to feel that you don't want them." Another Elder responded I wasn't sure of his name was. I think it is Jasper.

"I would never want that to happen. I know that feeling all too well. I would like a few more weeks, may two or three." I hate that I am the reason she can relate to feeling unwanted.

"That is very diplomatic. If you can commit to that now, we can get everything rolling for you. It has been too long since this Pack has had a Luna. The Pack needs a women's touch more than you know." Elder Asher added.

"Yes sir. I can commit to three weeks." Izza responded as I nuzzled into her neck. So thankful to have her as my mate.

"That's settled then. So you will have Alpha Devon marked in three weeks and we will hold your official Luna ceremony then." Elder Asher pronounced.

I felt Izza stiffen at marking me within three weeks, but I think we will be fine with that timeline. With the way things have been progressing the past few days, it should be no problem. On this note, I nodded to the Elders and bid them farewell, and guided Izza out of the room.

I was so happy with how things went. I'm not being punished, I do have community service though and we have set a time limit on making her officially my Luna. Marking me will only help her and me with our bond. It will also help me get in her pants sooner. I want to make more pups with my mate. I can't do that with just hand jobs, and markings are very sexually fueled. I promised I would be patient and I will be, but that doesn't mean that a man can't dream.

We were headed back to the house when I got an urgent mind-link from Jax. Two of the warriors had gotten into an argument over an unmated she-wolf. The argument turned into an all-out war on the training grounds that caused an overhang to be destroyed and dropped on several onlookers. They are okay but damage needs to be assessed.

All But Forgotten Mate (EDITED/COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora