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"Got into another fight, did you?"

Jimin looked like his life had gotten sucked out of him. He slouched in his seat, his face decorated with bruises and cuts.

"That black eye looks pretty on you." I commented.

"S-Shut up." He went red. "You think I look bad, you should see the other guy."

Jimin stood eagerly throwing meaningless punches into the air, seemingly demonstrating how the fight went.

"Then I uppercutted him like this. When I tell you I saw his eyes pop out his sockets Jeon..." he faltered for a bit. Suddenly he faced me, hands meeting his hips. "Hey Jeon. You're only 2 years older then me. Let me call you Jungkook."

"That won't be necessary."

"Ah cmon Jungkook, loosen up." he sat back down, grinning lazily. I couldn't help but chuckle at the youngers efforts. "So tell me, Jimin. What caused this fight?"

Jimin looked down at his lap. "It doesn't really matter."

"Well i'd believe you if you didn't look so beat up right now."

"It was just some lil bitch going on about why my dad...left..." he trailed off.

"Did he leave...because of his sexuality?"

A short nod confirmed my statement.
"He wanted to be with a man, not my mom. It turned her into a massive homophobe. She wouldn't let me see him or anything, despite his efforts. She said the gay would rub off on me."

"Did it?"

"N-No." Jimin faltered. "I love...boobs..."


"Whatever! What're you anyway?"

"Pan. I'm Pansexual." I said proudly. "I just came to accept it recently, dealing with people that don't really support me was difficult. Jimins eyes shined.

"I could imagine."

"I just had to learn to love myself."


There was a silence before Jimin stood. "I don't usually mess with the gay crowd but your alright Jungkook."

Something about Mr. Jeon | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now