Chapter 30

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We pulled up to the building, getting out and looking at it,
Dean said" When's the last time somebody was in this place?"
Sam said" 65, 70 years ago." We walked to the door and opened it with the key. They were looking around with flashlights, I glowed my eyes and looked around.
" Son of a bitch."
" Look at this. Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center."
" Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters. Halfway through their coffee and a game of chess- looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick."
" On the alarm call that ended the men of letters." Dean pushed a switch up, and lights came on, then he pushed the other one up." Son of a bitch." Dean and I walked downstairs to Sam, and looked at the library he was staring at.
" Sammy, Key, I think we found the bat cave."
Dean walked in... in a robe,
He said" Morning."
Sam said" Morning."
" The, uh, water pressure in the letters' shower room is marvelous."
" Yeah, I still can't figure out how we even have water... or electricity."
" Yep, well. I am putting that under the ain't broke column. Listen, little brothers, let's not go all geek on this stuff, okay?"
" Geek?"
" Yeah. Yeah, I mean, don't- don't let me wrong. This stuff is awesome, and it looks like they ran a real tight outfit here, but I'm just saying, you know, don't, uh, don't think that they knew some big secrets that we don't know." Dean started messing with a sword, I bit my lip,
" Dean." Dean stopped," They were a secret society."
" Which means that they made crap up and wore fezzes and sashes and swung around scimitars. They probably didn't even sharp-" And Dean nicked himself," That's very sharp."
" Dean, look. I think we might have something here. Something that could help us, help humanity. Henry certainly thought so. I mean, you know damn well we could use a break. What if we finally got one? Are you gonna take off the dead-guy robe?"
I said" He's Dean. That's a no."
I was nodding off, sitting sideways in a chair,
Dean said" Hey!"
Sam said" Hey! So... how's Kevin doing?"
" You know. He's okay, I guess. In his corner, hacking out his Da Vinci code. Nothing actionable yet. Garth says hi, by the way. Anything from Cas?"
" No. Not-Not a peep. Why? You?"
" No, he's, uh- he's not answering."
" Right. Well, uh, so I have been trying to chart out the letters' network of hunters, their allies, uh, affiliated groups they worked with, kept files on."
" Circa 1958?"
" Yeah, true. Most are dead or defunct, but others- I'm not so sure. And this one... you should definitely check out."
" The Judah Initiative?"
" European team- they were active during world war 2."
" Really? Hunters fighting in a war- that's cool."
" Not exactly hunters, n-n-not exactly fighting, but, uh..."
" Rabbis. Rabbis? Really?"
" The letters' file on them is sketchy, but, apparently, they were hard-core saboteurs. So, I can a search on the initiative's entire roster, and I got a hit- one rabbi Isaac Bass. He was 17 years old when he joined the initiative and 85 years old when he died... two weeks ago."
I said" In a college town back east, he was capped."
Dean said" Capped?"
" Yeah. He was there doing research, and according to eye witnesses, he spontaneously combusted."
" So... this is a case?" Sam and I nodded," I just got back."
We got to the campus, splitting up as usual, Sam went to the library because Dean or myself don't do libraries. Because we get bored way too easily. Dean's interviewing two of the eye witnesses, hot women, of course, because it's Dean. I also saw him being eyed by a dude, which is seriously hilarious.
Once we walked out, Dean was fumbled, I was laughing, his phone rang,
Dean said" Yeah. Huh. Well, uh, the two very hot co-captains of the women's volleyball team agreed that the Rabbi's death was very unnatural. I think we still got a case. You being followed? That's weird. I thought I was being followed earlier. Turned out to be a gay thing. Nothing. You need a hand? Visitor's parking. The boonies. I'll park in the back. 30 minutes." We got into the car, I looked at Dean, oh, this is gonna go fantastically....

Dean and I saw a guy watching Sam fumble the keys,
Dean said" Hey, pal." The guy stood up, and he was huge, like really, really huge... we're dead. I hissed, shifting, then we were lifted up and thrown. I hit a van, falling onto the ground, Dean next to me. I groaned, rolling around," Oh, my spleen."
Sam said" What... the hell... is that?"
The guy from the pub said" He's a golem... well, he's my golem."
" Right."

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