Chapter 6

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I took a gulp of whatever alcohol I had in my hand, I moved my hips to the rhythm of the beat. Someone grabbed my waist, I turned my head to see an attractive looking guy. He leaned to my ear,
He said" Hey!"
I said" Hi!" We continued to move to the beat, my eyes flashed, I turned around, kissing him. He kissed back, he pulled away,
" Wanna get out of here?"
" Oh, most definitely." He laughed, grabbing my belt loop, I smiled, he dragged me through the crowd.
We got outside, he pinned me to the wall, kissing down my neck, I whined lowly, he smiled against my skin. I flipped us over, kissing him, we made out for a few minutes.
He growled" Let's go back to my place, huh?" I nodded, he grabbed my belt loop again, tugging me, I walked with him.

We crashed onto the bed, I rolled on top of him, grinding against him, he rolled us over again, and pulled off my shirt. I smirked as he stared at me,
He said" How in hell..."
I said" Great diet and crazy exercise." I kissed him, I took off his shirt, we both started taking off our pants and shoes.
I moaned as he grabbed me, jerking it slowly,
I moaned" Come on!"
He said" Cum on me." He started going faster, I panted heavily, biting my lip.
" O-Okay... oh, fuck! Nnngh!" I came on his fist, he smirked," Okay, you're turn! Condom?" He grabbed a condom, I smirked, tearing off the wrapper with my teeth. I smiled, kissing his tip, I rolled the condom on him, then teased his tip with my hole, he groaned.
" Seriously?" I sank down on him quickly, He groaned loudly, my eyes closed as I felt them glow. I started moving my hip, fast, I moaned loudly, gripping his chest. He grabbed my waist and moved my hips faster, both of us trying to get off now.
After a few minutes, he thrusted up into me, cumming, I came onto his stomach. I got off him, smirking as he looked out of it, I pulled on my clothes quickly.
I said" Thanks for the fun." He groaned in response, I walked out of his bedroom, and to his front door, I walked out, then water-ported.

I got to my motel room, I smiled, falling back onto the bed, I closed my eyes.
I woke up to my phone dinging, it was Sam, asking if I could get to Lily Dale, what the hell is he doing in Lily Dale, that place is like the Disney world for psychics real and fake.

I water-ported to him, and he was digging up a grave in broad day light with Dean.
I laughed" Oh, you two are idiots! What the hell are you guys doing?"
Dean said" Killer ghost, killing psychics, pulled a sibling switch. And the bones are missing."
" Oh, that's bad."

We walked to Dean's car,
Sam said" Not good."
Dean said" Never good."
" Dean, if someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around. That's serious binding magic."
" Great. Psychic ghost bitch on a leash."
" We got to find those bones."
" So we got to find the bonehead."
" So, what? We call Bobby, see what it takes to harness the power of a ghost?"
" Yeah. Hey, Sam, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual lily dale ESP festival and hot dog eating contest this year?"
" Can't imagine."
" Because all the headliners are dead." He held up a flyer.
Sam asked" How are you?"
I said" I'm getting stronger, you don't have to sugarcoat it. I'm still taking a few drugs to cope with the pain, but whatever, I'm fine for now. I can water-port more than a dozen miles, so that's something."
" But it still hurts?"
" Totally hurts."
" Okay."
Sam went into the pawn shop, I leaned against the wall and waited, once he came out, we headed to the address that he had.

He went in there, and rushed out, I walked to him,
He said" Dean, it's the pawn shop guy. He goose chased me to a friggin' pregnant yoga class. I will." He hung up, looking at me,
I said" Let's go! We don't have long till ghost attacks."

We pulled up to the pawnshop again, getting out, Sam went to the door, which was locked. He looked at a card, and we walked to the middle, then down an alley. We ran to the door and Sam broke in, we walked in, and saw a skull. We walked to it, Sam picked it up, then we heard a gun click,
The guy said" Somehow, I just knew you'd be back. Hi, agent. Put the skull down."
Sam said" Okay, okay. Take it easy. Here." He grabbed the skull and Sam pushed him," All right. That's enough." I knocked over the alter with water," Nice binding spell."
" It doesn't matter. She helps me because she wants to."
" What?"
" Margaret and me are the same. We're the real thing. But guess what- sometimes the real thing just isn't pretty or entertaining enough. When I show people what I'm capable of, it scares them. I can't pay my rent! Margaret's happy to kill for me. She likes the leash."
" You're sick."
" You know what else I am? A real psychic, you dick-bag." He threw the gun from Sam's hand, I became visible," Surprise."
" Where are the rest of the bones?" The dude moved to stand in front of the bedroom," These people don't deserve to die."
" Oh, come on! Are you kidding me? I live in squalor 'cause I can't put on a show like them?"
" Don't do this." He pointed his gun at Sam," They're in the bedroom, aren't they?"
" No." He shot but missed," You're not getting in there." He turned his head, I grabbed my gun and shot him, we ran into the bedroom, and Sam pulled back the cover. We saw the bag of bones, I brought the skull over and placed it next to the bones. Sam started pouring gas and salt all over them. Then threw a lighter into the mix, they burned, I looked at Sam,
I said" Humans are disgusting."
Dean said" In the bed? They were in the bed?"
Sam and I said" Yeah."
" Ugh. I can't believe he was boning her."
" Dean." I shook my head, groaning quietly,
The waiter said" Can I get you anything else?"
Dean said" Just a refill. And if you affirmate me, I'm gonna punch you in the face." I rolled my eyes, smiling, geez...
" All righty then. Coffee, coming up." He walked away,
" I can't wait to get out of this frickin' fortune cookie." We saw the girl come in,
Sam said" Dean. I'm gonna go, um... do something outside. Key, come on." We walked out, I smirked, Sam looked at me, shaking his head.
I said" What?"
" You're not high as a kite."
" Yeah, well... I deal with it, one way or another."

Dean came up, Sam was putting his bags in the car,
Dean said" Hey."
Sam said" Hey."
" That's your stuff."
" Yeah. Yeah. I figured we'd take one car."
" Works for me. You still want to break my face?"
" No. Uh, not at this moment. Look, you know what? Um... you were right. About Amy. If she was... just any monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know."
" So, what are you saying?"
" What I'm saying is... I get why you did it. You were just trying to make sure no one else got hurt. But here's the thing. You can't just look me in the face and tell me you're fine. I mean, you're not sleeping, you drink for the record-"
" Oh, here we go."
" Look, whatever. Last one to preach. I know. But... just be honest with me. How are those the actions of someone who knows they did the right thing?"
" You want me to be honest?"
" Yeah."
" I went with my gut. And that felt right. I didn't trust her, Sam. Of course, ever since Cas, I'm having a hard time trusting anybody. And as far as how I been acting... I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause I don't like lying to you. You know, it doesn't feel right. So, yeah, you got me there. I been climbing the walls."
" I know how that is. But, hey... if I learned one thing from that museum, sibling acts are tough."
" Oh, don't compare us to that hall of crazy. We're like poster kids of functional family life compared to them."
" It's a low bar."
" Well, hey... grading on a curve has got me past everything since kindergarten, so don't knock it."
" Whatever you say." They got into the car, where I already was," I still want to know how that guy bent my spoon."
" Forget it, Sam. It's Lily Dale." We drove off, I looked at them,
I said" Geez, my brothers are lunatics."
" Yeah."

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