Chapter 23

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Skipping S8 E4: Bitten

We walked into the room Kevin was probably not at,
Dean said" Well, that is twice that he's burned us. Shame on you." Here they go again,
Sam said" No, no, no, no. I'm the one who said he set us up."
" No, you said, I wonder if Kevin is setting us up, and then you started in with the- the techno babble. That was like two states ago."
" Yeah, well, whatever. Either way, that's another room billed to one of Kevin's false credit IDs. And the motel ran his number today."
" Just like he actually checked in?"
" Yes."
" Kid's like rain man. He's like a crappy little credit-card-counting... criminal prodigy rain man."
" Well, he was in advanced placement." Dean handed me a beer, I looked at them,
" Shut up. When's that little idiot gonna stop running from us?"
" I don't know, Dean. I mean, you did try to kill his mother."
" I was trying to kill Crowley, okay? Who happened to be wearing Kevin's mother at the time. Well, there's a difference."
" Apparently not to Kevin. Oh, I know. Maybe because- oh, yeah- it's his mother." Dean's phone started ringing,
" Hold that thought. No, actually, you know what? Don't hold that thought. Hello? Hello? Uh, hang on. There's not enough bars." He walked out of the door, I looked at Sam,
I said" You two done bickering all ready? Must be happy hour."
Sam said" You okay?"
" I'm fantastic, idiot." I groaned, grabbing my head,
" Are you sure?"
" Just coming down from a high, I'll be fine."
" Key, the veins... then you took off without a word."
" It's fine. I'll be fine. I just... I just need time, okay? Time."
" You ever gonna tell us what you did with a year on your own?"
" Probably not."
" All right."

Sam said" And-And what exactly
Is what supposed to mean, you've got to go?"
Dean said" Which words are giving you trouble?"
" We're on the case, remember, Dean? The Winchester holy grail, shut the gates of hell forever, case."
" Sure are. But in order to close the gates of hell, we need our prophet, am I right? So step one- find Kevin Tran. Well, he ain't here. But he wanted us to be, which means we're probably as far away from him as he could possibly put us. So step two- find Kevin Tran. You mind if I take the toblerone?" We followed Dean out the door,
" Wait, Dean, seriously?"
" Hey, the trail is dead, but the room is paid for. You got some research to do, and I got some personal crap I got to take care of. That's all."
" What does that mean, personal?"
" Did you have a stroke? Vocabulary? Personal, as in my own grown-up personal- I don't know- crap."
" Damn it-"
" What, Sam? Last I counted, you took a year off from the job. I need a day." I looked at them, then Dean got into the car and drove off. I looked at Sam,
I said" So... what're we gonna do about that thing?" I lifted my arm up to point towards the impala, driving away.
I walked back into the motel room, chewing on a piece of twizzler, I looked at Sam's computer. Who's the chick? Then Sam came back into the room,
I said" Hey, who's the chick?"
Sam said" Stop looking at my screen."
" You left it open and knew I was coming back."
" I'll tell you stuff if you tell me stuff, deal?"
" What do you want to know?"
" What did you do?"
" Today? Went to the store!"
" Keir."
" I done something terrible, and if I tell you, I'd have to make you forget." 
" Then tell me and let me rant, then make me forget."
" I killed 3 humans..." I looked away from him,
" What? why?"
" I-I was high, and I was walking down the road, and... and I heard a little girl scream for help-"
" So, you-you saved a kid?"
" Yeah, I killed three guys, they were trying to kidnap her... Sam, I couldn't-I couldn't let that happen, it was... I wanted to kill them. I made them suffer, agony.... and I enjoyed every second of it."
" Key..."
" Go ahead, yell at me... because I seriously couldn't care less."
" I'm not gonna yell at you."
" Then do something! Because I'm scared and I don't like what happens when I get scared..."
" Keir..." He came towards me, I breathed heavily, I hissed, then threw him into the wall. I groaned and crouched down, tucking into myself quickly. I water-ported to Sam, pinning him to the wall," Key! What the... Keir, you know me?"
I hissed" No! No! No! Not Sam... not Sammy! No, no, no..." I coughed, I fell to the ground, I coughed up water, I groaned.
" Hey, you okay?" He crouched down next to me, grabbing my arm and pulled me up. He dragged me to the bed, I laid down, rolling onto my side, groaning." You okay?"
" I'm okay..." I closed my eyes, whimpering," Just-Just leave me alone, okay? Just-just... I'm okay."
" Guess you don't want me telling Dean about..."
" Tell him... and I will kill you."
" Yep, got it."
Sam's been trying to get ahold of Dean, his phone rang,
Sam said" Hey. What? Why are you whispering? What?! Are you an idiot, Dean? You know better than to go into a vamp nest alone. What guy? Garth? A friend? Dean, you don't have any- all your friends are dead. I get the separate-lives thing, but this is a hunting thing, and we need to find that line- Yeah, I got it. Look, I'm on my way. And, listen, if you handle it, great. I'll buy your friend the first round. But, Dean, listen to me. Dean? Dean, are you there? Dean. Dean. You kidding me? Damn it!" He threw his phone, I sat up,
I said" Let's go. I'm kicking Dean's ass across the country... ahh, let's go." I held onto my chest," I'm too weak to water-port us there." I got up, then got dizzy, Sam grabbed my arms, looking at me with concern." I'm good, I'm good... I just need a few days of healing, let's go." We walked out, Sam jacked a car, and I got in, we drove off, I sighed, staring out the window.

I saw Michelle, she was screaming for me to save her, I hissed and pushed at the monsters holding me down. I went full siren, everything went dark, fading slowly...

I opened my eyes, just a nightmare... just a nightmare... Michelle is at peace, she's in Heaven, she's at peace. I blinked a few times, then grabbed my pill bottle, grabbing one and popping it into my mouth.

Dean rode up in a boat, with a guy driving, he tossed Sam the rope, Sam tied the boat down. They both got out,
The guy said" I'm Benny." They shook hands," Heard a lot about you, Sam, Keir." He was a vamp, I could feel his energy, I went to shift, Dean shook his head. I looked at Dean, glaring, what the hell?!," I can see you three have a lot to talk about." He walked away from us, I looked at Dean, what the hell?! No... don't get angry... don't get angry.

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