With a proud smile, you wrapped an arm over the boy's shoulder, hugging him close; this time, he only reacted with an affectionate grin.

"I knew you have a knack for this."


"Eh? Why is there a crowd over there?" Naruto pointed out the moment the two of you exited the art supply store, easily spotting from a distance the growing group of people herding around somet-- ah, there's a hero-villain match going on merely two blocks away.

"It's a villain fight, and people want to watch," You simply shrugged, before walking away to the opposite direction, expecting your orange-wearing student to follow. "Kind of a safety hazard to stand and watch, but civvies, y'know?"

"Really?! Then, shouldn't we help?!" He frantically asked, as you eyed the crowd with subtle distaste; the dislike was not for the people, but rather for the established law in this world.

"No. Not while I'm still technically a student," You said with a light frown. "Anyone who engages with a villain without a hero license would either be reprimanded or imprisoned, depending on the severity,"

"That's... That's not right. What if you can really help?" He stared longingly at where the action is happening, no doubt his self-righteousness urging him to interfere.

"It's illegal, but some people do help when they can," You informed him, before expounding. "Those people are called vigilantes, but are still wanted by the police," This seemed to have lit up an idea within his head, before tugging on your arm.

"Hey, hey, why can't we become vigilantes?" He asked excitedly, his baby blue eyes looking suspiciously more innocent than usual.

"Because it's a waste of time," You dismissed, hoping that that's the end of that, but of course, you knew better. This is Naruto Uzumaki, and once he has a goal in mind, he plans on succeeding with nothing but pure, sheer stubbornness.

"It's good training though! And it's not like we actually follow the rules much!" Other than the laws of Konoha that Naruto is somehow adept at bending, Team 7 really isn't rule-compliant, which has your group fall under the Chaotic Good category.

'Y'know what? Why the hell not?'

'So, you're really gonna let him play you like that?' You pretended not to hear Mina's comment.

With a defeated sigh, you led Naruto back to the shopping district for additional supplies, which had the blond give you a foxy grin, knowing that he has you wrapped around his finger.

There are times you wonder if it's really you who's the expert manipulator.


"WE'RE BACK!" Naruto announced within the uninhabited forest, the swaying of wild leaves and the occasional chirping of birds being the only white noise. The authentic scenery makes you feel like you're back in Konoha's forest, somewhat easing your defensive aura.

"That took longer than expected," Kakashi remarked, as soon as you and Naruto entered the team's hearing vicinity, your purchases in arm, and the extras with your blond student. It would seem that the additional purchases caught your partner's attention, along with Sakura's and Sasuke's. "Oh? What else did you buy?"

"Something we'd like to suggest," You replied vaguely, before setting the items by the nearby tree, then spotting a wooden crate you haven't seen before. "What's that?"

Same As It Never Was (BNHA/Naruto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now