a collection of drarry shorts

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"I don't care that your gay Draco.  I care that it's Potter, and that it took you this long to realize."



"Please be sure to secure all small items."  The message played on the PA system of the plane Draco and Harry were on, about to take off.  Draco glanced at Harry.

"Do you feel secure?"

"Oh fuck you."


"Were you dropped on your head as a child Potter?"  Draco snapped at his boyfriend.  Harry had just tied his shoes together accidentally, and Draco was spelling them undone.

"Bold of you to assume I was even held."  Harry responded.

"Aw, you want cuddles babe?"


"Draco, you know what you remind me of?  The ocean."

"Aww, Harry you're sweet, is it because I'm deep and beautiful?"

"No you arse, you're salty and you scare people, thats why."


"Draco, will you answer one question for me honestly?"  Harry asked plopping down on the grass next to where Draco was studying.

"Will it make you go away?"  Draco said, sighing irritably


"Ask away."

"What do you honestly think of me?"

"Its a gray area, you fall somewhere between 'fuck you' and 'I'd fuck you'"

"I like number 2 better.  Let's go."


The Eighth Years were playing a game of truth or dare in the Common Room, for unity, is what they said.  Right now, it was Dean's turn.

"Harry, truth or dare?"


"Kiss the prettiest person in the room."  Dean responded, smirking evilly.

"Ginny?"  Harry said, turning towards the redhead.

"Yes?" She said, blushing fiercely.

"Move, I'm trying to get to Draco."


Draco walked in the door of his and Harry's flat, taking off his jacket and hanging it up.  His sleeve came up to reveal white gauze wrapped around his wrist.


"Yeah babe?"

"Why is there a bandage on your wrist.  Did you harm yourself?"  Harry asked, walking over to Draco.

"Oh Merlin Harry no.  Never."

"Then what is it there for?"

Wordlessly, Draco carefully unwrapped the bandage to reveal his Dark Mark, with beautiful flowers tattooed over it.


"Are you a table?"

"Potter what? No, what the hell-"  Draco sputters.

Harry starts walking away backwards, a smirk prominently displayed on his lips.

"Such a shame! You were about to get laid pretty boy!"



"I might be."


"Dracooooo."  Harry called.

"What, Harry?"

"Can you help me tie my tie?"  Harry asked, with the puppy dog eyes he knew would get Draco to do whatever he wanted.  Draco smiled fondly, tilting Harry's head up, and beginning to tie the knot.

"Why do I do this for you?  You really should learn how to do it yourself."

"Because."  Harry answered, "I'll always have you to do it for me."


"Harryyyy, why won't you tell us who your boyfriend iiiis?"  Ron huffed.

"Because, he doesn't want to go public yet."  Harry explained.

"What of I just..." Ron pulled his wand out of his pocket.  "Accio Harry Potter's boyfriend."

Draco Malfoy flew across the Great Hall, right into Ron, knocking him off the bench.

"Weasley! What the fuck!"


"Fuck!"  Draco exclaimed after stubbing his toe.


"Who do you think you are? Bloody Captain America?"

"I never should have shown you muggle films. "  Harry sighed.



"Yeah babe?"

"I just wanted you to know I love you."

"Harry, you tell me over a dozen times a day, I know you do... I love you too."


Professor McGonagall had to grab the edge of her desk to steady herself.  Why?  Because Harry Potter was diligently taking notes, and paying reverent attention to the lesson.  Draco Malfoy had his arms wrapped around Harry, whispering something in his ear.

"Ron." Hermione whispered.  "Is something wrong with Harry?  He is never pays that much attention in class."

"I don't know."  Ron whispered back.  "Draco was whispering something in his ear, I couldn't make out much, only 'be good', 'later', and a strained 'yes sir.'"


"Its not gay if I want to top him, right?"  Harry's friends turned and looked at him, shock and confusion written all over their faces.

"Oh fuck.  I said that out loud didn't I?"

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