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AN: Set in Fifth Year, Umbitch detentions


It was a weapon and he knew it.

A dangerous weapon.

He could get pretty much anything he wanted with just one word, and he knew it

Oh boy did he know it.

He didn't use it often but when it.

Oh boy when he did.

His boyfriend practically melted.

One simple word.


And Harry Potter was putty in his hands.

And now was one of the rare occasions he had to use it.

Harry was sitting in Draco's lap, head buried in the crook of his neck, in a soft overstuffed leather armchair had  in the Room of Requirement.  Draco's right arm wrapped around Harry's midsection, his other hand toying gently with the mess of raven curls on Harry's head.  Now to anyone else this would look like an or ordinary couple cuddling together, but there were many things about this scenario that worried Draco.

1. Harry was wearing Draco's hoodie, he only asked to wear Draco's clothes when he was feeling like clingy, insecure, or when his depression got bad.

Thankfully since Draco and Harry had gotten together, Harry had, with Draco's help, had managed to end his self injurious tendencies.  It had been months since Draco had last seen a cut on Harry's beautiful body, and he checked every night, with Harry's permission of course, he needed his baby to be happy.

2. Harry had the sleeves of the hoodie bunched in his hands, giving him sweater paws.  He was hiding something.

When they first got together Draco had noticed that whenever Harry had new cuts, he would wear hoodies (preferably Draco's) and pull the sleeves over his hands and hold them down.  He also seemed to do it when he was anxious, a lot of Harry's robe sleeves were stretched because he pulled on them frequently during Potions

3. His breathing was even and he wasn't shaking, so he wasn't having a panic attack, but Draco could feel the erratic shaky pulses of raw, irritated magic in the air around them.

Definitely not a good sign.  With the amount of magic Harry had in him, it was already volatile, and when it was this frayed and out of control you knew the situation was bad, and Harry needed both physical and verbal reassurance immediately.

"Harry are you alright?"

"Fine."  Came the muffled reply.

Nope definitely not fine.

"Harry talk to me I can help you, just talk to me." Draco was near begging now.

"I'm fine just a little tired." Harry's tone was clipped and short.


He was never like this.  Harry was patient, kind, and had the warmest heart of anyone you would ever meet.

"Harry please let me help you.  Don't shut me out love, please."  Now Draco was definitely begging.  His father would be appalled to hear his son now.

Harry yanked his head up from where it was nestled in the junction of Draco's shoulder, standing up angrily.

"Leave me the fuck alone okay Draco!  Just fucking leave already!"  He screamed, wiping hot, angry tears from his face.

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