Chapter 24

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(Ava's POV)
"I need a job" I tell myself as I walk around town.

I look around the street and spot a now hiring sigh at a little diner. I had never seen this place before, I walk across the street and walking in. A bell rang and I look around. There was a small amount of people sitting around the area

"Hello dear, what can I help you with today?" Asked a sweet old lady in probably her late sixties. She had grayish brown hair and dark blue eyes

"I saw you were hiring" I said slightly pointing to the sign in the door

"Oh yes" she said with a bright smile "Do you have any experience in waitressing?" She asked

"Yeah, I was a waitress a few years back" I nod "I can also cook" I added

"That's fantastic, I need a cook. Mine just quit, he had to move" she said giving me a sad smile "You're hired" she nodded

"Really?" I asked

"Yep, you might have to help waitress from time to time, but other than that you will be in the kitchen" I was cool with that

"When do I start?" I asked

"Tomorrow at seven. I'm closing soon, you'll get to meet Katie. I bet you two girls will get alone great. My names June" she commented with a soft yet bright smile

"Ok, thank you again. My names Ryan" I say to her, using the fake name from when I was in LA "Have a nice night" after hearing a reply I walked out and back to my house. It was about eight thirty.

I walked back home and entered the building. As I closed my front door I heard yelling and stopping above me. The people above me were bickering again, I roll my eyes and head for my bedroom. I change and climb into bed, putting my phone on the charger.

I got up at the sound of my alarm and got dressed. Heading out, I arrived back to the diner at about 10 mins before 7. June saw me and unlocked the front door for me

"I said seven" she scolded

"Sorry, I just thought I'd come early and get a lay out of the kitchen" I say sheepishly looking down at my combat boots

"It's alright darling, I was only joking. Come I'll show you" we walked into the kitchen,

she showed me where everything was and I nodded. Soon a girl with dirty blonde hair and grayish eyes walked in from the front door. Turns out it was Katie Smart. I knew who she was, she was a junior when I was in my senior year of high school. She was a 'slut' in a way. She slept around a lot, but got pregnant. No body knows who the dad is, she kept the kid though. It was real brave of her to do that, her parents disowned her and her grandmother took her in. She kept her head up and stopped sleeping around after she found out.

"Hello" I waved

"Oh hi?" She said with a soft smile, but was looking a bit confused

"Oh, I'm Ryan Baker. I'm the new cook" I say sticking out my hand. She shook it

"Katie Smart. It nice to have a new face around here" she nodded "And another girl" she giggled, I laughed a little

"Is that so?" I asked with a raised brow

"Oh yes, there are to other guys that work here. I was the only girl, well if you don't count June" she laughed putting her stuff under the counter in the dinning room area

"I can tell I'm gonna like you" I comment as lean in the counter

"I feel the same" she said looking at me

"Ok girls time to get to work" June said coming from out of her office, she had a call to take "We open soon"

I disappeared behind the wall separating me from the dining area. I put on an apron before started to cook some breakfast foods and customers started coming in. The two guys Katie mentioned earlier showed up 29 minutes late and got a scolding from June before sending them to work

"I think I'm gonna like it here" I sigh and ring the bell

"Oder up"

So may of you asked for another chapter, so here you do. More will be updated this weekend

I really like how this version of the book it going, way better then the old one. Am I right?😂

That's all for now, vote, comment, and follow for more
~ The Devil

Edit: July 16, 2020

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