Chapter 6

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Before we get into the chapter I have deleted the rest of this books chapters and form now on most things are gonna change. I've come to realize that most of the plot made no since and so here's the re-written version.

More information at the bottom


(Ava's POV)
"No way"

"That's what I said when I say it"

"So Lucas was a kid at our school? But dropped out halfway through freshman year? Which means no one remembers him" I say getting up and walking back and forth information of my bed

"I think Zack remembers him" Callie says sitting up

"Hmm- well honestly he's no threat, so let's just forget about him and his friend" I say and sit on the bed.

"Girls" there was a knock

"It's open" I call looking at the door

"Get something nice on please. Maybe a dress, my clients are almost here and I would like to make a good impression. Please" she says looking at our clothing choices

"No promises" I holler walking into my closet "does this work?" I pull out two knee lengths, dark blue and purple dresses

"Perfect" my mom goes to turn around "wait didn't I get those dresses for your aunts wedding?"

"Nope. I don't know what you're talking about" I say pushing her out of my room

"Huhm" she says before walking away from the door

"Don't laugh" I glare at Callie " you have to wear the purple dress. Her face suddenly turns into a scowl

"I hate you"

"I'm sure you do"

After a long night of listening to my parents talk to their clients about a project, Amy trying to flirt with their son, and Zack and the boy talking about football, Callie and I went to bed quickly

****** Time Skip (Tuesday) ******
"I need something to punch" I tell Jake and Callie as we sit in his office. It was a long day

"Well I can sign you up for a fight tonight" Jake suggested

"I'll take what I can get" he nods and pulls out his phone "Callie, what a fight too?" He asks

"No i'm good. I'll just watch tonight" she says

"Ok" and with that Jake walks out of the office. I sigh

"She just drives me nuts" I say rolling my eyes and leaning back in my chair

"Don't let her get to you. Just imagine her face on your opponents and go to town" she laughs rubbing my arm. I nod and close my eyes

"Well, I got you a fight against the silver bullet, now be careful. They call him the silver bullet because he's fast"

"Well good thing I'm faster"

oh if you're wonder about the dead guy we buried him in the cemetery a few miles away from town. Where we put everyone Callie and I have ever killed. He'll be at peace, in hell at least. I've killed six people, now seven, and Callie has killed 2. She doesn't like killing, I don't either, but in this world we live in you gotta do what, you gotta do to survive.

"I wish you the best of luck tonight"

"I don't need it" I say getting up "let's go. I need some practice" I grab my back and walk out

"Mmmk" Callie answers following me

Little did I know that two little words were going to change my future forever

Hello my lovely's. I'm still working on a name to call all my followers
Give me any ideas, I'm open for them

Anyway, so I wanted to create a trailer for this book, but I can't seem to figure how to do that, so if any of my followers know how please do DM me and you will get all of the credit for the video

Also like I said up above before the chapter started, the rest of the book is being changed. There are going to be similar things for the original, but this one will have less plot holes hopefully

That is it, good night
- The Devil

Edited June 11, 2020

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