Chapter 8

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(Ava's POV)
I hate Wednesdays. I have everyday, but after the fight last night, I'm tired. Callie is also tired, just not as bad. My brother and sister noticed this morning and we concern, Zack was a little skeptical, but I just told him Callie and I stayed up really late last night watching movies. He bought it, but was still a little weary

"Don't look now, but umm your brother and his friends are heading this way" Callie says looking behind me. I just slam my head in the lunch table

"Great" I mumble

"What's wrong with you?" I heard Tom comment, I proceeded to slam my head on the table "What the hell" he said in shock

"What's you're problem?" I heard Lucas comment, I look up to see him sitting next to me

"Shut up, bad boy" I snap, I saw something flash in his eyes before looking straight into my eyes.

It's was like I was being held captive. I stared into his chocolate looking eyes before I snapped out of the trance and slammed my head on the table again

"Ava, stoping slamming you're head into the table" I heard my brother speak. I went to slam my head again, but someone put their hand in the way

"Move" I grumble

"No" I didn't look up at him afraid of being put in a trance again. Lucky for me the bell rang

"Later losers" Callie calls standing up. I follow

"Later bad boy" I smirk and walk away. Once out of the cafeteria and ear shot Callie speaks up

"What was that?"

"What was what?" I asked confused

"Calling Lucas bad boy? And the way you two were staring at each other"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say quickening my pace

"Oh no you don't" she grabbed my arm and stopped me, pulling me to face her "Why did you start calling him bad boy?"

"That's what he is. I started calling him that last night at the fighting ring" I sigh and shrug

"Do you think that maybe calling him that in you're street fighting uniform and in normal world, he won't figure out you're secret?" She questioned

"No, he's to stupid for that" I say and walk into my class

Short I know, but sue me. I'm tired

Edit: June 25, 2020

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