Relationship under construction

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With a jolt of the green headed boy the two awoke, He lashed his hands up to his mouth preventing himself from puking. Bakugo picked up the smaller boy and rushed to the bathroom to let him be.

when it was over the blonde came inside the room and started patting the other's back gently "Why'd you suddenly puke? did you get food poisoning?" And then he realized.."wait- did you not-" The green head shakes his head and return gets a hug from his partner?  but gets pushed away

"I'm still not sure If I wanna keep them.-" and chills went down his spine because he no longer called the baby an 'it' , it put a smile, and tears on the ash blonde's face. "okay so maybe I do.."

"this is far delayed but hah I'm gonna be a dad! Deku!" He yelped with tears now overflowing his tear glands like waterfalls. he jumped on the pregnant omega kinda tackling him. He wheezed but not of laughter but happiness  They sat there both crying and smiling...

in class

Bakugo and Deku sat together like a married couple with the green headed boy's arms wrapped around his growing belly, although it wasn't noticeable he still felt the butterflies of them, but that didn't stop Todoroki from hitting on him.

"Hey Midoriya, your legs are strong, do you think they're also flexible?" This per se pick up line made bakugo's hands spark up a war. And that usually didn't mean good news

"Icy-Hot if you don't back off I swear to god." Todoroki cocked his head a bit

"aw is big ol' blasty pissed that I'm hitting on his rape victim hmm and we both know I would be a better boyfriend then you ever will be?" he teased. This remark made the green head whimper and reminded him of the bad memories he'd attempted to forget...

Patting deku's head, Bakugo held him closer and shushed him or rather lulled him to a calm state of mind. "listen, I know I fucked up alright? but what you did with your alpha voice wasn't right either oh and who said anything about boyfriend? what about his baby's father?" icy-hot was gonna respond wide-eyed, that was until the professor came into the room.








time skip 4 months into the pregnancy at the doctors

"Mr um-"

"midoriya" the greenette finished while the doctor continued the ultrasound

"Mr Midoriya, um so what would you like to know"

"well actually I've been kinda worried about the size of my tummy and wanted to ask if everything was alright?" he said concerned but looking into those crimson eyes helped, and holding the blonde's hand next to him did the same thing. "oh and the gender please, we just want a head start on the names ya know" continuing his questions with a bright smile as per usual.

"about the size of your stomach that concerns the amount of children.." The two widened their eyes but one of them for a whole other reason. Bakugo gripped the green head's hand tighter as the doctor tried to get the words through and cooperate with they're vocal chords. "Listen Mr Midoriya, Congrats you're having quadruplets!" at those words the small omega fainted.




[text messages between Eijiro Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugo]

Bakubro❤️: yo shitty hair!

Kirishima: Hey bro! long time no talk! How you been!?

Bakubro❤️: yeah yeah, wanna meet at my dorm room?

Kirishima: dude we don't even go to the same school- how do you expect me to

Bakubro❤️: I don't care how you do it, but get over here I have something to tell you

Kirshima: finnnneeee but I don't see what the big deal is...

[Katsuki Bakugo has logged off]

When the conversation had ended the red head jumped up and down most likely excited to see his best friend since the first year of U.A. he was head over heels for the guy, as friends the boy kept trying to convince himself

an hour later

knocks could be heard at the door, and not even a second later it swung open. "Kat! so good to see you bro!"

"shh idiot, Deku is sleeping, well more or so fainted at the doctors" the ash blonde tried to put into words "he passed out when we found out he was having quadruplets.. heh yeahhh so those are the big news" Eijiro's jaw dropped and heart sank. shattered into pieces his very soul and tears began to swell up in his eyes "Ei?" Bakugo said "You okay, are those tears of joy or?"

"huh oh yeah! congrats" he coughed and wiped away his now pouring tears

"Ei, I know when you're lying we've been friends for 4 years" dragging his arm over the red's shoulder to calm him "tell me what's wrong"

" god why was i so stupid? i should've made my move and not stood there like an idiot waiting! 

"ei- what are you mph!" Bakugo had tried saying but got cut off by the sudden kiss Eijiro decided to plant on the blonde. He struggled, he did but gave up and melted into their embrace. Because oh jesus Eijiro fucking Kirishima was a good kisser! The deviant pulled away grinning eyes still closed "idiot, isn't that too short?" he said leaning back into the amorous exchange



(KiriBakuDeku) A Lover's Last WordsWhere stories live. Discover now