H-How Could You!?

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Also A/N I decided to delete the smut since I really was uncomfortable with how it turned out, and I don't want my writing to be taken as a joke
Bakugo's POV
Crap! No idiot stop! You'll end up hurting him, by the time I was finished with the thought, my alpha senses had taken over all feeling in my entire body. it was like I was moving without telling myself to do so.
I'm so... so sorry deku.... to whatever I'm about too do to you
The next morning

Izuku's POV
I had awakened at 11 nearly noon, I couldn't feel my legs... I could hear Kacchan enter my room, my eyes filled with tears again and I began to whimper as he walked closer. I attempted to back up, but I was against a wall and my body had no energy...

"hey deku..?" He asked as if daring for him "I'm so sorry for what I did" he finished

"Don't come close to me! You- you monster! I trusted you!" I screamed "Next god damn thing I know! You ended up making a knot?!" I didn't understand what his intentions were and never did I want to know.

"Listen I-" I cut him off responding with my problems first

"G-get. Out." I asked him.

"But deku I-"

"I said. GET OUT!" I had finally had enough of him, he bullied me. punched, dragged, and put me down. I had regained feeling in my legs and stood up straight away, before b-Bakugou had the chance to step out. I ran as fast as I could out the door, realizing I wasn't fully dressed. Wearing only my pants and no shirt I sped up towards the roof...

I- I couldn't take it anymore... this horrible life had finally gotten to me. Kacchan and his stupid games, although I could hear him running after me, I still kept running. Once I had reached the rooftop I stepped out... 'I was finally gonna take his advice' I thought to myself.

"D-deku w-what are you-" he said before I lunged off the tip of the building into the crowd full courtyard. I saw familiar faces... uraraka, Iida, and kaminari were standing near the college fountain. it was nice to see people I loved before my life would of been taken... by me...

I closed my eyes and let the heavens take me

The group's POV
Few minutes before...
"Wait, isn't that deku on the roof right there?" Uraraka pointed out.

"Huh wait it is... what's he doing up there? Wait deku?" Iida immediately noticed something was up.

"Oh yeah you're right" kaminari mentioned before saying "WAIT IIDA HE JUST JUMPED" kaminari pointed out

" Recipro Burst!" He yelled out and later slowing down to catch Izuku "I got you Midoriya, you're okay, you'll be fine" he tried calming down the greenette

"I-Iida?!" He said and began to cry on his shoulder

Word count - 504 words

Since I deleted the smut there is really little words anyway again I'm so sorry

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