Leo Aiolia-Truly Manly, Cassios Perishes for Love

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"I'm not going to let anyone else kill Seiya. He'll die by my hands" Cassios said walking forwards and standing in front of Seiya. "Long time no see punk" he said.

"Cassios?" Seiya thought looking into the man's smug face. 

"Ever since that day, I've thought about nothing more than getting my ultimate revenge" Cassios said "Seiya every time I feel the remains of my left ear I've fantasized of taking your precious little life".

"I nearly forgot Cassios" Aiolia said earning said mans attention "Seiya stole that armor from under you didn't he?".

"Seiya you fool I never imagined you to look this pathetic when we finally came face to face again" Cassios said laughing "I'm going to be the one to ends you're life".

"Cassios" Aiolia said his eyes showing anger.

"Well that's what I really like to do" he said narrowing his eyes at Aiolia "but...". Cassios turned and flew a punch at the Leo Knight who only caught it in response. 

"What kind of joke is this Cassios?" Aiolia asked squeezing on said mans hand making him scream in pain.

"Cassios?" Seiya asked.

"Seiya" Cassios spoke in between pains "hold him off. You hurry and get out of here, I...I've got him" he said wrapping his arms around Aiolia and lifting him off the ground.

"Cassios, why?" Seiya asked.

"I'm not doing this for you" he said "I'm...I'm keeping...you...safe...for Miss Shaina".

"Safe for Shaina?" he asked.

"That's right punk" Cassios said looking back at Seiya before thinking "Miss Shaina, training under you was the greatest privilege of my life. There are very few female knights, and among them...your strength is enough to put every man to shame. But regardless, I knew you were a women at heart. All I truly want is for Miss Shaina to find happiness in life". Cassios removed his thoughts and spoke louder. "Seiya listen to me! Lord Aiolia has been completely brainwashed by the Pope's Imperial Phantasm Punch" he said.

"I knew it" a voice said. 

Seiya looked over and saw and brown haired man with startling blue eyes. He resembled Aiolia to the point where the two could pass as twins. He wore the Gold Sagittarius Armor and had a gold bow in his hand. Seiya realized this was Aiolos, God of Stars,Constellations,Night,Law,Astronomy,and Combat. King of the Knights and Athena's twin brother. 

"Lord Aiolos" Seiya said not bowing to the god, as he was too focused on Cassios and Aiolia. His eyes showed rage unmatched. Seiya briefly saw a star go supernova in his eyes. 

"He won't go back to his normal self until he kill's someone first" Cassios said oblivious to the gods arrival. 

Seiya's eyes widened. "So that's what happened to him" he said.

"HURRY" Cassios bellowed "Leave him to me and get the hell out of here!".

"Cassios" Aiolia said "release me".

"I can't do that" he said putting more pressure on his hold. Aiolia brought his two hands up before slamming them down on Cassios's shoulder making him spit out blood in pain. "Seiya get moving!" he said.

"Cassios enough of this nonsense!" Aiolia said bring his hand down on Cassios's should once more. Aiolia kept karate chopping it until blood was being sprayed over.

"We have to help him" Seiya said trying to run to Cassios's aid but Aiolos held him back. Seiya looked at the god. His eyes were glued to his brother's red eyes. "Don't" he said "Cassios has made his choice, and it will not be in vain".

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