Iced Features (Part 4)

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Shiloh's <POV>

I feel myself falling, I expected to be panicked but it was one of the first peaceful moments i've had in a while.

Falling through a stream of air, destined to only one location. I fell into the cold water, feeling of being boiled in icecubes.

I hesitated to struggle, I have nothing to struggle for. The empty ghosts of my past haunts me, and the fear of losing Aang glooms over me like heavy rainfall.

I sink further down into the darkness of the water below me.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of strong warm arms wrap around my ice cold waist. I move my iced glossy eyes over to the force pulling me up to the surface.


I cautiously take my other arm and hold onto him I notice he becomes startled by the action but he doesn't resist it, as he using his firebending to lift our bodies to the surface.

(since the water around them is cold, the heated water will float them to the top because the molecules are less dense. science^^)

We make it out of the water as Iroh and some guards help us onto the deck. I see my vision starts to black, I lean closer to Zuko's bodyheat as I pass out.

Zuko's <POV>

I feel a fragile cold body grab ahold of me, and then something in my heart heats up. This isn't anger, or disgust.

This feeling is sending shivers down my body, but not from the cold. Her dependent body so intimate with mine gives me a new perspective on my purpose.

My pacing thoughts started to show through my eyes, as I scan her sleeping body.

"Prince Zuko, are you okay?" Iroh asks obviously aware of what i'm thinking.

"Yes I'm fine! Take her to the Infirmary." He snapped back. "Everyone, get out of my sight."

I shook my hair, and walked back to my room. Each footstep even more angry and confused, thinking about the moment with Shiloh.

I couldn't understand the pounding in my chest. Which made me even more frustrated, someone who's so used to being in control was tortured by the uncertainty of the feeling.

I slammed the door shut, and buried myself in my hands. I eventually got up and calmed myself enough to continue my work.

Shiloh's <POV>

I drowsily force myself out of the infirmary bed, I was suprised to see my clothes have been changed into a loose burgundy silk night gown with light lace around the bottom.

It reminded me more of an expensive dress, then hospital loan clothes.

"Do you like the night gown?" Iroh asked me cheerfully.

I didn't even notice he was sitting there, hearing his voice kinda startled me.

"I had it shipped from the fire-nation, pure mulberry silk. Knowing you'd be staying here a little longer, I ordered some extra clothes for you.

"Such a beautiful young girl shouldn't have to be dressed rags." He lectured me.

"Thank you Iroh, I love the dress." I said smiling.

&quot;I Needed Her First.&quot; Zuko X OCWhere stories live. Discover now