Chapter 25| OMG! Oh My Ghost!

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Y/n's POV

"Ahh! That was tiring" I whispered to myself as I got home. I remove my shoes right away and put my backpack in the living room. I smiled when I remember what my friends did to me earlier, the birthday surprise that they prepare. I'm really lucky to have those friends.

I stretch before opening my fridge to look something to eat for dinner. I frowned when I didn't saw any food in the fridge that would satisfy my taste buds at this moment.

"Hmmm... I'm craving for Spicy Korean Fried Chicken" I told myself. I immedietly get my phone from my pocket and ordered for Spicy Korean Fried Chicken. While waiting for the food, I decided to do my homeworks.

Minutes later, my door suddenly rang. I quickly went to the little device attached to my wall that would show me who's outside my front door. I smiled when I saw a delivery guy. I get some money from my wallet and opened the door. I payed for the fried chicken and thanked the delivery guy. I went to the living room and put my homeworks aside. I decided that I'll eat in living room while watching whatever is playing in my television. I rubbed my palms together, excited to eat the fried chicken. I opened the box and I was greeted by the spicy smell of it. Yummm...


I lit up the scented candle and sat down in my bed. I closed my eyes and try to meditate. I breathe in and out slowly while feeling my whole body relaxed. I searched up in Google that if you feel scared and anxious, a meditation will help. I've been meditating for three days now and somehow, it's working.

After minutes of inhaling and exhaling, I'm already done meditating. I blew the candle and stretch my body to get ready to sleep. I closed my lamp and lie down in the bed. I touched the necklace that Beomgyu gave me and smiled. I really love it...

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Wah! You can see me?" I asked with amusement.

"Umm... yeah? Of course, I have eyes" He said. I shake my head and went closer to him.

"Can you help me become a human again?" He looked at me, shock at what I said.

"And what if I don't?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"Then I won't stop bothering you until you help me" I threatened him. "I won't let you sleep and I will appear infront of you out of nowhere" I continued with my arms crossed on my chest.

"Where are we going?" Beomgyu asked.

"Just wait, it's a surprise!" I said excitedly. Beomgyu looked around him to see if anyone is watching us. I can't wait to bring him to the amusement park.

"Wahh!" I exclaimed. I ran around the grass while putting her hands up.  After Beomgyu knew what's the second thing in my bucket list, he decided to bring me in an open field.

"Beomgyu-ssi! You're the best!" I screamed from the distance. He smiled at me, showing his dimples. He then turned around and was about to walk away. I stopped him and came closer to him.

"Why are you walking out?" I asked.

"I thought you wanted to watch the night sky by yourself or with someone special" He replied

O.M.G (Oh My Ghost)| Choi Beomgyu ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ