Chapter 17| She's Back

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Beomgyu's POV

"Bamgyu! Get ready!" Taehyun suddenly barged into my room. He came up to my bed and start waking me up.

"Bamgyu! Bamgyu! Bamgyu! Ireona! (Wake up!)" He called out my nickname while shaking me.

"Ugh! Aren't you supposed to go early?" I asked him. What's the matter with this guy?

"Aniyo! (No!) Our class president is already back so my schedule is back to normal" Taehyun said. I suddenly opened my eyes and stood up. I remember...

"Finally, you're awake. Take a shower now and lets eat breakfast together" Taehyun uttered before leaving my room. I suddenly feel nervous and anxious. She's back!


"Trust me, Y/n is a kind person and she's also friendly" Taehyun said as we walk going to school.

"I'll introduce you to her. She's a close friend of mine" Taehyun continued. I didn't really listen to him because I'm still thinking on how to talk to her or act if she's around. Ugh! This is driving me crazy!

"Yah! Why are you quiet? Are you still sick?" Taehyun starts put his palm on my forehead again. I gently remove his hand and shook my head.

"Ani, gwenchanayo (No, I'm okay)" I said. Taehyun took a sip of the iced coffee we bought on the way and looked at me suspiciously.

"Something is wrong..." Taehyun said slowly. I looked at him and he has this 'I know you're hiding something' look.

"I'm good, okay? I just didn't study that much and we have a quiz. You know how Mr. Lee gets mad. He told me to do well all the time and you know the only reason I got a perfect score is because our previous lesson was our lesson before in my old school. I'm not that smart..." I told Taehyun. It's also the truth but not completely. I'm still worried about meeting Y/n. I studied our lesson last night but very little. Hopefully I'll pass. Well, there is no intelligent ghost to help me cheat anymore.

"Ohhhh, I understand the feeling. " Taehyun patted my back.

"I didn't also study that much since I spent my weekend with my grandparents." Taehyun said. We continued walking until we arrived infront of our school. Taehyun checked the time in his watch and widened his eyes.

"Yah, we better hurry up. We only have 10 minutes left" Taehyun said and with that we quickened our pace going to our classroom.


"Ah, just in time" Taehyun tried catching his breath. He immediately entered our classroom but I remained outside. I'm scared and nervous. I leaned in the wall and tried to breathe in and out to calm myself. Am I ready to meet her?

"Beomgyu-ssi? What are you doing here? It's almost time" A familiar voice suddenly speak up. I turned my head to the side and saw Wooseok approaching me.

"Ah, ne (Ah, yes) I'm just memorizing our lesson for the quiz. It's too noisy inside" I lied.

"Ahhhh, well better enter now. Mr. Lee will get mad if he caught you here" Wooseok adviced before entering the classroom, leaving me outside. I tried to calm myself again. I checked the time and I only have 5 minutes left. It's okay Beomgyu, she doesn't remember you. No need to be nervous and anxious.... I tried to encourage myself. I counted 1 2 3 before twisting the door knob to enter the classroom.

O.M.G (Oh My Ghost)| Choi Beomgyu ✔️Where stories live. Discover now