Chapter 15| Missing You

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Beomgyu's POV

"Goodbye, My Beomgyu...." was her last word before disappearing in my arms. She's gone....

I stand still, stunned by what happened. My knees suddenly got weak causing me to dropped down, helpless. Although she's my soulmate and eventually we'll meet again, it won't be the same anymore. Our memories will just remain here in my mind, only in my mind....

The reality somehow sink in and I finally have the energy to stood up. I looked up and saw the stars, she love them. I continue to watch the stars, reminding my of Y/n. I already miss her.

I went inside the house then directly in my room. When I enter my room, I close the door and slowly sat down in my bed. Tears of hopelessness fell down in my cheeks leaving me weak. When that first tear broke free, the rest followed. I pulled my knees near my chest, crumbling in my bed while crying, crying myself to sleep.


My whole weekend was gloomy. Today is Monday and I don't feel like going to school today. I check the time in my nightstand 7:00 AM. I sighed and looked up in the ceiling. I wonder what happened to Y/n now...

"Yah! Bamgyu!" Taehyun knocked in my room. He opened the door and was surprise.

"Heol, why aren't you ready yet? It's already time to go to school. You'll be late" Taehyun said. He went near me and looked at me closely.

"Yah, are you okay?" He asked me. I slowly nodded at him while staring blankly.

"What happened?" He asked again. I close my eyes and sighed. I don't have energy to stand up

"I don't feel good today" I answered. Taehyun sat down in my bed and put his palm on my forehead to check my temperature.

"You don't feel hot" Taehyun said.

"It's like a part of me is missing..." I softly said.

"What part?" Taehyun scanned my body. I just chuckled at him and shook my head.

"It's nothing" I told him. Taehyun stood up and nod head.

"I'll just tell the teachers you're not feeling good. Get well soon. Tomorrow is our long quiz. You better not be absent, arraseo? (okay?)" Taehyun said. I nod and gave him a smile.

"Don't worry, I think I'll be okay tomorrow" I assured Taehyun.

"I'll go ahead now or else I'll be late, jalga! (bye!)" Taehyun bid goodbye and went out of my room. Silence cover up the atmosphere as I was left alone. This scenario reminds me of the time I passed out because of Y/n. It was the day when I properly talked to her and agreed to help her.

"So? Are you gonna help me?" She asked with puppy eyes. I stayed silent and didn't replied.

"Ahjussi! Please! I don't have much time. My friends are already looking for me. You're the only person that I've met with the ability to see me. And I won't let you go. I can't do this by myself..." She pleaded. I rolled my eyes and nod.

"Is that a yes?" She said as her eyes widened.

"Yeah, whatever" I said.

"AHH!!" She exclaimed. She jumped up and down with a big smile on her face. I didn't notice that I'm also smiling because of her expression. I immediately put on a neutral face when she looked at me with a big smile

"Yah! Just promised me I won't be in danger" I told her. She nod at me and raised her palm.

"Promise! I'll be your guardian angel, kamsamnida! (Thank you!)" She said and bowed.

I smiled when that memory flash in my mind. But then again, that memory will be only my memory, Y/n won't be able to remember it anymore. I decided to get some fresh air so I went to the rooftop. When I arrive, I breathe in and out to calm myself. I looked around but my eyes stopped at the spot where I last saw Y/n.

"Goodbye, My Beomgyu...."

I closed my eyes when her last words starts playing in my mind. Everything just reminds me of her. It's okay, sometimes, we really need to make sacrifices. And in my situation, I sacrifice our memory for her life... I stayed for a moment and watch the buildings in front of me. Suddenly an idea popped in my mind. I know Y/n is safe and I should not be worried. All I have to do now is distract myself


"YES!" I exclaimed. Our team won in the match again and I'm really happy. A smile made its to my face. I'm finally okay now. I know that Y/n won't like it if I cry or be sad

"I'M HOME!!" Someone suddenly yelled. The voice belongs to Taehyun who just entered the house.

"Heol..." Taehyun scoff after seeing me playing video games.

"I thought you don't feel good" Taehyun looked at me with a poker face.

"Yeah, that was earlier, I'm okay now" I said with a smile. Taehyun just nodded and widened his eyes.

"By the way, you wouldn't believe what happened!" Taehyun exclaimed. I didn't really pay attention to him and start choosing what to play next.

"Remember our president in class, Bae Y/n? She's back!" I froze at what Taehyun said. I dropped the game controller after hearing him.

"And you know what's weird? Y/n was found in her kitchen. Yejin and Hana would always come every weekend in Y/n's house to find clues where she is. But last Saturday, they found her lying in the kitchen floor. They immediately brought her to the hospital after they saw her. There were no injuries found in Y/n's body so she was sent back home yesterday night. She's already back in the class earlier. Finally! I won't have to go to school early because our president is back" Taehyun said in relief. After he explained, he went inside his room to change and to take a shower. I was left alone dumbfounded, still frozen in my spot. I tried to calm myself and leaned in the sofa.

"She's back...."

-Author's Note-

Hi my lovely readers! I'm back again with another chapter. I'm sorry if I just updated today again. Anyways, oofff Y/n's backkkkk. This following chapter will be interesting cozzzz ohmaygoshhh!! You'll seeeee. By the way I'm sooooo happy! Our city is finally COVID Free!! God finally answered our prayers and I'm so glad! I hope you guys are doing okay. Stay safe everyone! Don't forget to give this chapter a vote and follow me. Lots of love 💕


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