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Next day

Tay didn’t sleep well last night.It was 6am in the morning. Tay got up from bed and called his friends.Lee and Oab took the call after 2nd attempt but Off didn’t bother to take the call.Tay asked them to come to his house. They understood that something is wrong so without asking any further question they got ready and went to his house.After one hour they reached Tay's house.

His mom opened the door and welcomed them.She asked them if there was any problem because it was Very early in the morning. They said they needed to discuss about an important client.So they went to his room and found Tay was on his laptop maybe searching some info.

Tay's pov

Lee and Oab entered my room and Oab said

"What's the matter Tay?you look like a zombie..Aren’t you sleeping well?"

"I need to find out someone's info but I'm facing some errors"

"We told you that we will find out about New and give you a call..Off is onto it.So why are you so stressed? " Lee said.

"It’s not about New...Cause I know you guys will handle it....It's someone else.It's about someone I hate"

"Whom are you talking about?" Oab asked me curiously.

"He is back guys"

Lee and Oab faced each other for some time and stared at me with a questionable look..

"Who?It’s not like you are talking about Joss, right?" Lee said..

"I would feel relieved if it wasn’t Joss..but..."

Oab became angry and said,

"That bastard came back again.This guy have no shame!How could he dare to call you again? "

"That was also my question but our Diamond deal got cancelled because of him.He told me to meet him today"

"And you are going to meet him?" Lee asked..

"Of course I will..I'm not the old Tay anymore. So don't worry. I'm going to meet him this evening."

"’s not safe Tay!" they both said.

"I know but I have to go.No other option."

Lee said,"Well, it’s not in our hands to make you understand.. I wish your future partner could do something about your stubbornness.By the way didn’t you called Off?"

"I did. Maybe 7times.but that moron maybe  dreaming bout heavens. That's why he didn’t picked up my call"

"Tension not.. He will come to your house immediately when he will see so many calls from you..he might think that you have asked us for eat at your home and we finished everything without him." Oab said laughingly.

It was already 9am..Mae served us breakfast.When we were about to eat someone barged in dining area and we weren’t surprised at all to see Off. He ran toward us. He was running out of breath and said,

"Oi peng!!why did you called me so many times?are you guys planning something without me?"

"Yes we did and we won't tell you because you are late"Oab said.My mae smiled and asked Off to have breakfast with us..So he sat beside me and said,

" Boss, You seem tensed. Something wrong?"

I hummed and told him to eat first and we will talk later..after breakfast we went to my room.Lee told Off everything in details.He became furious. So he started huffing and puffing.Actually From all of my friends Off is my oldest friend. So he was much worried about me.That's why I had to calm him down..

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