It's Time

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Mom!, I yelled, at two am in the morning. My mom ran into the room asking what was wrong. I either peed my bed or my water broke I said. Mom, owwww! Yup Your water broke my mom said. No duh, I said. I'm sorry
I said after. It's too early, I said. Remember mom said, the doctor said he could come early. I have to call Zayne, I said. Ill call him and tell him to get over here, and Ill call the doctor to see what to do my mom said. You change your pants and underwear, and put a pad on it will get messy later on. Okay I said, fear starting to turn in my eyes. I yelped in pain, as another contraction came. My mom came back saying to get my hospital bag. My mom woke up my dad, telling him that we were going to the hospital. There was soon a ring at the bell, I knew it was Zayne atlast. My mom went down and let him in. I need you, I said to Zayne. Im right her baby, im sorry I wasnt there before. Its ok, I said. I love you Zayne said, he kissed me and then said Now lets go have a baby. Okay lets go, I said. Zayne and I went to the hospital in his car because his car already had the carseat in it. My mom said she would take her car and be right behind us because she had to do stuff at the house.

The car ride to the hospital was very uncomfortable. The doctor brought us into a room. Zayne helped me change into the hospital gown, by tying the back of it. They put a fetal monitor on my bump to check the baby. It scared me sometimes because when I would move it would make the fetal monitors go off beeping,or his heart rate would go down, or he would start going in distress. The doctor explained that he was doing okay right now, and he wouldn't know if Myles lungs were developed all the way, till he is born. He said that they would do a full examine on him right after he is born to make sure everything was alright.

The doctor said that I was only 3 centimeter, so I had a while to go. He suggest that I get sleep while I can, since the contractions aren't has forceful now and that they would get more painful as my cervix was stretching. The doctor soon left, has he was paged into another patients room.

Zayne I'm too nervous to go to sleep. Will you sleep in the bed with me. I don't want to do anything to mess up the monitors, that will make his heart rate go down, and you know we both can't fit, Zayne said. Please, I need you with me, I need to feel you next to me to help me feel calm, I said. Okay okay, move over a bit, Zayne said. I move over a bit, then the machine started beating. A nurse soon came in and fixed the machine,. Zayne soon got in the bed. Rest your head on my chest baby, and close your eyes, Zayne said. I rested my head on Zayne as I could feel his hand rubbing my bumps calming Myles kicks that were happening. Zayne's eyes were closed as I noticed he was falling asleep, as I was soon drifting away sleeping.

I soon awoken to a very painful contraction at 9 am. I found Zayne's hand and started to squeeze it for some relief. Zayne soon awoke asking what's wrong. Nothing, it's just a contraction, there getting more consistent and painful, I said. Do you need me to get either the doctor or the nurse, Zayne asked. Yes Please, I asked. Okay, I'll be right back, said Zayne. Zayne soon came back with the doctor behind Him. Is everything okay in here asked the doctor. Yes, except that I'm getting hungry and I'm really thirsty, I said. Okay, we can give you a little snack, (like yogurt) and you can have water and some ice chips because it looks like your baby is sleeping, and the ice chips can wake him up, the doctor said. He just wanted to check me to see how far along I was. The doctor said that I was 5 centimeters so halfway there. Okay I'll have a nurse bring you the food, the doctor said. Wait before you go am I allowed to go in the birthing tub?, I asked. Sure, just click the call button when you want to go, said the doctor. Okay, I said.

The doctor soon left. Not long after a nurse came in with a cup of yogurt that had buts of fruit in it and some water and a cup of ice chips next to it. Do you want me to feed it to you, since your on the birthing ball, or do you want me to keep rotating your pelvis, so he will moved down more?,Asked Zayne. Can you please keep rotating my pelvis it comforts me, I can feed myself. Okay tell me if anything hurts or you need something, Zayne said. I only finished half of the little cup, till a very intense contraction came. I shoved the cup into Zayne's chest, as he was still rotating my hips. He's coming Zayne!, He's coming!, I said Okay!, Okaay!, Zayne said in panic. Zayne pressed the call button. A nurse soon came, and asked what can she help with. Its coming, I yelped as another contraction came passing. The nurse soon went out to get the doctor coming back, not long soon, with 2 more nurses and the doctor. One of the nurses helped me back into the bed, as just then I felt him lower down. The babys crowning one of the nurses said to the doctor. Zayne!!, I cried in pain. Im right here baby, he said as he kissed my forehead. The nurses put my legs in the stirups, as another nurse put a blanket over my stomach. The doctor came over and said to push. I did, as I screamed in pain. Your doing so good baby, Zayne said. Shut up you did this to me, i screamed. The heads out, the doctor said. Doctor the cord is wrapped around the neck, a nurse said. I see that the doctor said back. Melody stop pushing, we have to untangle the cord, the doctor said. The doctor untangled the cord and said to do one more push to get the rest of him out. I did one more big push and he was out. The doctor put him on my chest as the nurses started cleaning him with the blanket, as he was crying. Daddy do you want to cut the cord, the doctor asked. Yeah, go ahead Zayne. the doctor passed Zayne the scissors and told him to cut between the two clamps. Zayne snipped the cord. The doctor then passed Myles to a nurse, where the nurse brought him to part of the room where they were going to examine him.

I listened to my sons ear piercing cry as I waited for the nurses to bring him back over. Zayne was over by him taking pictures as they cleaned him up and examined him.

My son Myles Wyatt, born on January 8th, at 8:08am, weighing 6lbs and 40z, and 19 inches long.

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