My clothes had stains and weren't always clean. I wore a slightly oversized  khaki T-shirt with black shorts that reached my knees. This was my spring and summer outfit.

I had a belt to keep up the pants. It had multiple leather slings attached with metal rings which where detachable, to keep my food for other days. Most of the time it consisted of birds and rabbits.

I had a dagger and a combat knife for my weapons. I could throw the daggers at a rabbit or bird with surprising accuracy, because I had trained with them for two years, I guess I would become quite efficient in the weapon.

The combat knife was for defending myself and carving the animals to get to the meat inside.

If you looked close enough you could see I had a long gash of a scar running down my leg from my knee to my calf.

I got it when I had come across a mother bear and accidentally gotten too close. She chased me and got a scratch on my knee with her razor sharp claws. I survived by climbing in a really high tree that towered over the other wildlife.

When I get to big for the clothes I visit towns or city's or even small villages and steal clothes of wash lines, rubbish bins, or even clothes on a rack outside of a shop.

My ability to get away or as you call it, escape, is on top tier level. With my given acrobatic reflexes, I can swing from cable lines, jump from building to building, run really fast and even walk on metal beams that are hanging in the air at contruction sites.

Being uncannily skinny, I can fit through narrow alleyways and squeeze through places the police couldn't get through.

One time, in a small city made for tourists, I stole a map of the country, to help me find my way back.

I have learned how to keep my aura from escaping, and I have learned if you project bloodlust onto a enemy or animals for food, they will most likely freeze in mid step. I haven't learned hastu yet. The only type of nen I can use is zetsu; the ability to hide your presence. I use that quite often to steal things or when I'm hunting.

Today marks the third day without food. I have been traveling nonstop too, only resting when I absolutely need to.

I should go look for a town or something. I think. But that thought got halted when I saw a deer grazing with its companions.

It was in a little clearing, with the forest around it.

I stealthily crouched, hands reaching for my daggers. There was a small breeze, leaves rustling as I kneeled behind a bush.

I had concealed my presence some few meters before hand, as to not alert the animals of my readying attack.

The sun was going slightly down from its position in the middle of the sky. It now pointed from my direction, blinding the deer from the bushy leaves I was hiding behind.

Slowly raising my dagger in my right hand, I attacked. I swiftly threw the sharp dagger at the peaceful animal. It reacted quite quickly, hearing the whistling sound of the dagger as it drew closer. But what happend next suprised both of us.

From the west of where I was crouching, flew a arrow. It soared through the air, hitting its mark in a few seconds from release. The deer I had aimed for sunk to the ground knees buckling and collapsing as it's friends registered danger and fled, off back into the surrounding forest.

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