maybe soulmates Do Exist

Start from the beginning

"well yeah, because i originally thought i wasn't going to uni, then i changed my mind, and y'all know how anxious i am, so i was like, 'hdjdhdksd this'll never work-' this being long distance- so i broke up with him."

"i'm sorry, but did you just verbally keysmash?" masumi asked.

"...yes? i'm gay, what kinda question-"

"we're all gay," emiko interjected.

"okay, well technically i'm pan-"

"yeah, blah blah, panromantic, asexual, non-binary, might as well recite the whole dictionary."

"ouch," they muttered.

"yeah, but i've never verbally keysmashed! and i've been gay for like... my whole life!"

"oh great, now you've given her an idea."

i shrugged.


"it's fine. anyway, about your ex, yuu. what did he say?"

"he said, 'look at this cute dog i just saw,' and sent a picture of a dog."

"wow... after a year and a half of silence... then just that?" they asked.

"damn, that's rough, buddy," emiko added, sipping a milkshake.

"where did you get-? never mind. should i respond? what do i even say to that?"

"i say go for it," emiko replied.

"as for what to say..." masumi offered. "maybe comment on the cuteness of the dog? or something about, like... 'why are you talking to me after so long? what's up with that, man?'"

"i guess."

"yeah! now stop guessing, and start doing! c'mon masumi, let's go watch queer eye in my room."

"didn't they do a little spin-off series where they came to japan?"

emiko gasped, grabbing their hand and starting to pull them down the hallway.

"ooh, i think you're right! we should watch that one!"

their conversation quickly faded, and the two left me alone in the kitchen to contemplate the best possible response.



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noya: so,,,

asahi: so?

noya: ,,,can we be friends again? 🥺👉👈

asahi: i guess i don't see why not

noya: hurray!! 🤩🥳🥰

asahi: 😗✌️


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