it's possible to be the Mom Friend and Chaotic at the Same Time

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"suga? i need your help."

i frowned at his appearance- breath coming in short bursts, face all red, and looking like he was about to cry at any moment.

"what's the matter, noya?" i asked immediately.

he shook his head.

"god, i fucked up... i fucked up!"

"okay, hold on a minute. please explain what's happening or i can't help you."

he dragged a hand down his face.

"everything is messed up with asahi, and now with tanaka too!"

"wait, i thought- actually, never mind. how are things messed up with tanaka?"

"ugh, i don't wanna share of his personal business, but basically i brought something up to him about four days ago, and i promised i'd talk to him about it, but i completely forgot and he's been super stressed and having to deal with it kind of alone, and i didn't even remember! i've just been dumping all my problems on him and asking for his advice and giving none in return!" he groaned. "i'm such a shitty friend."

"now, now, something like this could happen to any of us. human memory is fallible, especially when you have something so big going on."

"i know, but i was venting to him again and i was about to hang up to do homework of all things! and i completely forgot that earlier today, i had promised him we'd talk about it, but no! apparently homework was more important! then he yelled at me about how awful he's been feeling and how terrible of a friend i am, and god, maybe he's right. this feels awful, i don't think we've ever really fought before. not seriously."

"well, that's certainly not good... i don't know how much help i can be without really knowing what's going on, but if he's really mad at you, i'd say it's probably best to just wait it out for now, then sometime tomorrow or even two days from now, once you've both calmed down a bit, you can try talking to him about it. first of all, apologize for forgetting. then, if you feel like it wouldn't set him off again, remind him that you have been going through a stressful time, although that still doesn't excuse your actions. i'm sorry, but the harsh truth is that you weren't there for your friend when he needed you. he has a very good reason to be upset, but now the only thing to do is apologize and try to help him in whatever way you can, even if it is a bit late."

"what if he won't accept my advice now? if he thinks it's too late... what if he never wants to talk to me again?!"

the tears started to spill over.

"now, calm do-"

"suga! i don't think i could survive if he never talked to me again! i would be so miserable, he's my best friend, and i don't know how i survived until high school without him!"

"nishinoya," i said firmly. "take deep breaths now."

he nodded shakily, and obeyed my request.

"c- can you please count for me? it's hard to control it otherwise... and it's hard to focus on the counting myself right now..."

"of course i can," i said gently. "how would you like me to count?"

"um, four regular counts, seven fast ones, then eight regular ones."

"okay, i think i get that. one, two, three..."


a short time and some counting later, nishinoya was beginning to calm down.

"feeling a little better?" i asked hesitantly after a minute.

he nodded.

"yeah. you have a soothing voice, suga."

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