Chapter 4 - Avoiding the Inevitable

Start from the beginning

     “Oh, okay. Let’s go then.”

     Taylor was starting to stand, too, but Laura stopped her. “No, you have to finish the show. Your friend is gonna kill you if you don’t.”

     Taylor then sat back down.

     “I’m really sorry. I’ll just call you, okay?”

     Taylor just kept nodding, unsure of what was happening.

     Then Laura started walking away. Taylor followed her with her eyes. Few seconds later, Laura was out of her sight.


     Laura thought that it was going to be easy ignoring Taylor. For the first few days, she didn’t have any problems because there was really no reason for them to see each other yet. But then it had to come. That day when Taylor would call her and invite her to some place, as she usually did. At first it was easy to decline. She just had to make up some reason why she couldn’t make it then it was all good.

     Then came the second phone call, asking her how her day was and if she wanted to go to Taylor’s place for some lunch or dinner. Laura didn’t even know anymore because the minute Taylor started saying her invitation, all she could think about was how she was getting out of it this time. She managed to think of a reason, albeit lame, and she was good to go again.

     Then another phone call, then another one, and another one. When she couldn’t think of any reason to decline any of Taylor’s invitations anymore, she just started not answering her calls at all. And afraid that Taylor might give her a surprise visit, she had barely stayed at home. She usually just came home during hours when she knew Taylor wouldn’t come anymore.

     It was killing her. She hated the fact that she hadn’t seen and talked to Taylor in weeks now but there was no other way. She thought that maybe if she ignored her, if she wouldn’t see her in a long time, the feelings she had for her would go away.

     But she was wrong. Because now she missed her so much. It took every strength in her body to keep herself from going to Taylor’s place. And she didn’t know how it was possible, but she knew she loved her even more now. Maybe what you resisted really did persist.


     Taylor was having her daily morning jog when she saw a familiar figure walking on the other side of the street. “Hey, Laura!” She knew that Laura saw her but didn’t show any signs that she did. She just kept walking, and faster. “Laura!” This time the blonde had to start running to keep up with her. When she was only a few steps behind her, “Laura, if you don’t stop running away from me, I swear t-”

     Right then, Laura stopped but did not immediately face Taylor. When she did, she was wearing the biggest smile she could show. “Hey, girl it’s you! Sorry, didn’t hear you there.”

     Instead of answering her, Taylor gave her a ‘I-can’t-believe-you-think-I’d-fall-for-that’ look.

     “What?” Laura asked nonchalantly.

     “You’re avoiding me. Why are you avoiding me?”

     Laura laughed. “Taylor that’s absurd. Why would I avoid you?”

     “I think I just asked you that.”

     “I’m not, okay? You’re being paranoid, girl.” Laura looked away. And it was pretty obvious how uncomfortable she was being there right now.

     For a moment, Taylor didn’t know what to say. She then chose not to push this any further. She smiled, a big one. “All right. That’s good then! Now let’s go get some coffee. Or eat. Yeah, let’s eat! I’m starving.” Taylor held Laura’s arm and pulled her to start walking but the latter immediately pulled back. “What’s wrong?”

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