Hanging out Before Summer Ends

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(y/n)'s pov

During the summer I hadn't really done anything significant. I had basically just stayed at home, doing chores. I had been laying in bed scrolling through instagram till I got a message from Daichi. 

Hey I just got back!

We should do something.

Yeah I heard there's going to be a summer festival tonight at another school. Want to meet up at the subway in 20 minutes?


Sounds good to me!

See you in 15!

See you!

'What am I going to wear?' I went to my closet and opened it up to see that it was full but I still had no idea what the hell I was gonna wear. 'Why do I care? My outfits normally don't matter... but because it's him it seems to make me care more.'  In the end wore a yukata that was primarily (f/c) with (your choice of print like sakura/fish/etc) on it. Then I made my way towards subway where Daichi waiting. He was looking at his phone till I got his attention when I called, "Hey! Hope you weren't waiting too long."

"I wasn't," he said as he looked at me, "You look good."

I blushed immediately after I heard the words, I rubbed the back of my neck as I responded with, "Thanks." We both got on and after a couple of stops we we got off then began walking towards the school. "Do you know what they have exactly at the summer festival," I asked, since I hadn't eaten lunch so food was my main concern.

"They have a bunch of food booths and game booths and towards the end of the night there's going to be a fireworks display," Daichi replied. 

"I hope the food is good."

"I'm sure it will be," He said as we continued walking and soon enough we arrived. "What do you want to do fi-"

"I want to get food," I said before he even finished his question. The two of us walked around looking at the various food stalls till I found one that had (basically your favorite Japanese food). "I'd like one (food name) please," I told the lady. 

"Make it two," Daichi added.

"Anything else?" 

"Two ramune," I said as I was taking out money I had brought with me.

"That'll be -----" 

Just when I was about to hand her the money Daichi had already pulled out the amount and handed it to her. "Thank you," He said as she passed him our stuff, "Have a good evening!"

"You too." 

The two of us found an empty bench which we took a seat at. "Thanks for paying for this," I said.

"No problem," the boy replied.

"I'll treat you to dessert when we're done," I told him between bites. 'This food is soooo good.'  So the two of us ate our food and then went back to where all the booths were so we could check out the games. 

"Want to try the goldfish scooping one?" I nodded and we made our way to the booth. Daichi stood behind me and watched as I scooped up a few fish until the washi paper on the scooper had broken. "You did pretty good. I can barely get one without it breaking," He laughed.

"I'm pretty good at games if I do say so myself. Anyways is there anything you want to try?" 

"Maybe that shooting one," He said. I had been looking at that one too and so I was wondering, 'Did he notice me looking at it?'  We walked over there and I let him try to do it and after a few shots he had won a (favorite animal plush).

"Aww it's so cute," I said as I looked at it's adorable face. Then as I ran my hand over it I mentioned, "It's pretty soft too."

"Take it (f/n)."

"You sure?"

"You seem to really like it and I don't have much use for it so I think you should have it," Daichi said as he handed it over to me. I smiled at him and thanked him and we went to another game booth. This one involved fishing out yoyos and just like the goldfish scooping I managed to get a yoyo balloon in my favorite color. We just strolled around for a little when I noticed a little girl eyeing the yoyo. 

I crouched down so I was at her level and asked, "Do you want the yoyo?" She nodded and continued gazing at it. I smiled and said, "Here you can have it," and I handed it over to her. 

"Thank you miss," she said before happily running off. 

"That was nice of you." 

"I could tell she really wanted it...You know what I really want right now Daichi?" He hummed in response and so I said, "To checkout those masks over there." We went there and both tried on a bunch of masks, making fun of each other for how we looked. He didn't get anything but I took interest in a (tan/white) fox mask which I got. 

"Since you got your mask it's time to get what I want," Daichi said as he looked down at me.

"And what would that be?"

"(Kakigori/wata-ame/ringo-ame/taiyaki)." We made our way back to the food stalls and got our dessert just in time because there was an announcement made reminding the people there about the fireworks. "We better get going so we can see it."

"When we were walking around I saw a good spot we could watch from!"

Third person pov

"Let's go," (y/n) said as she grabbed Daichi's free hand and began walking. Both were blushing due to the hand holding although they couldn't see each other's faces. Eventually they made it to a tower-like structure which they went up. From the top you could see the whole festival and the surrounding area. They chatted for a little while they ate their deserts since there was still sometime till the fireworks started. 

~Mini timeskip~

After the two of them had both finished eating there were about 5 minutes till the fireworks started. Little did the two know that both of them were thinking, 'This is the right time to tell him/her my feelings!'

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