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The blonde-haired blue-eyed knight took al lot of pride ins sending the princess little notes throughout the day... sometimes they would tell her to meet him at places at certain times. Whether it is for strolls in the garden, small talk in the training area or simply to scare her in the hall Y/N always seemed to look forward to them.

Sometimes when they would lay and glance at the stars JJ would give her a flower or flowers. Once he even made her a flower crown. Then one night while they laid in each other's arms by the fireplace the knight tensed up and began to move out of his lover's arms.

This startled the princess who instantly imagined that she had done something wrong. Her head was no longer resting peacefully on his chest as she watched the flames of the fire dance. Alas, she found herself gazing at the knight trying to figure out what happened without words needing to be said.

"We've been together almost three months now so I thought that I would give you something," He reassured through a nervous smile as he began to fish something out of his pocket.

Y/N beamed a smile though on the inside she felt more guilty than ever. This knight always happened to be giving her stuff even though he had much less money than her. The princess felt terrible for never knowing what in the hell to give JJ.

She gasped at what he pulled out of a tiny box in it held a necklace... One that was more beautiful than anything the princess had ever seen before. Sure the people in the palace had money to buy the more expensive of things however most of them simply had no taste.

"It's beautiful... Where did you get it?" Y/N's eyes stayed locked on the charm in the middle as it shinned in the light. She ran her fingers over it along with all of the silver accents and how beautiful even the chain holding it all together was.

"It was my mothers... I kind of didn't have enough money to buy you something," JJ began to scratch the back of his neck... Something she knew he mostly did in shame as he avoided her gaze.

"I love it... But I can't accept it," This caused his eyes to shoot up to meet hers. "It's your mothers, not mine,"

"She left when I was two Y/N she obviously doesn't need it," He reassured causing Y/N to glance down at the necklace one more time and then pull it close to her chest. "It was only me and my father and I'm not too fond of him,"

"Well, then I'm going to go to my father and demand that you knights are paid more for how much effort you put into keeping us safe and how you risk your lives every-"

"I didn't want to tell you this but the reason I avoided buying you something is that your birthday is coming up and I'm saving for... Something,"

"J... You don't have to buy me anything," She reassured putting her arms around his neck and playing with the nips of his hair as finally, their eyes locked. "If you didn't get me anything I would still cherish what we have,"

"But I want to do something special for you... You deserve it," He reassured causing her to beam a wide smile.

"Who told you it was my birthday?" She questioned once her face was buried in his shoulder as she almost fell asleep once again.

"Kiara... After she threatened me multiple times we finally became somewhat friends?" Though his words came out more as a question causing her to laugh.

"She can be quite protective of me at times," The princess laughed standing up from the knight's iron grip causing him instantly to reach out to her again.

"What are you doing? I want more cuddles before we have to go," He pouted causing her to laugh even harder.

On the outside JJ is this terrifying, intimating, brave knight... However, once you get to know him on the inside he's just a soft teddy bear who wants cuddles.

"I'm putting my necklace away since I can't wear it," She reassured walking over to the top drawer of her dresser and sliding it open.

The knight came up behind her once again sliding his arms around her waist and laying his chin on her shoulder and gazing over her and down into the drawer. "Is that... You kept everything I gave you," He whispered letting go of her and turning so now they were side by side and he was able to glance in the drawer better.

"The flowers are long dead but yeah... I have," She smiled through a wide grin. "I made it a whole drawer since I know you won't stop giving me things any time-" And suddenly that's when the princess was being lifted off the ground through her giggles.

The knight twirled her around in his arms and then finally that's when their lips locked. He smirked into the kiss as they pulled apart their foreheads still resting against one another. "I feel so honored that a princess would make a whole drawer for the things I give her," He smirked causing her to giggle.

"You mean so much to me J... And I never want to lose you," Though before JJ could reply back that's when Kiara burst into the room.

"Alright, love birds it's time for dinner! Y/N you know what day it is so we better get a move on,"

"What day is it?" The knight questioned causing Kiara to facepalm herself and Y/N to laugh at her boyfriend's confusion.

"It's my parent's anniversary," The princess sighed. "Which means a long and boring dinner,"

"Oh, gotcha," The blonde laughed unhooking his arms from around her and heading toward the door. "Bye Y/N,"

Though before he could leave she pulled him back by the arm. "That's not a proper way to say goodbye,"

"I was trying to get out of your way quick-" And suddenly that's when her lips were against his.

"Bye J,"

"Goodbye... Princess," He whispered through a smirk as this only caused her to groan.

He left with a wide grin plastered across his face, though once he turned around the grin instantly vanished as he shut the door.

"What were you doing in my sister's room?" Sarah questioned crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was in Y/N's- the princess... Princess Y/N's room because I had to help her look for her... Look for her lost shoe," He reassured though he knew that she could tell that he was lying as Sarah walked past him and opened up the door to her sister's room revealing the two of them.

"Do you mind telling me why he was leaving your room?" Sarah questioned causing both Kiara nad YN's eyes to widen through shock.

"He uh... He uh was helping me with something," The princess tried to reassure though it was obvious that his sister wasn't buying it one bit. "Alright alright fine I'll tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone," Suddenly they were both back in Y/N's room shutting the door.

"Tell me!" Sarah pleaded impatiently.

"JJ and I may have something going on like you and John B..." That's when a scream erupted the room causing all eyes to shoot Sarah's way.

"I KNEW IT!" Suddenly that's when she began to dance all around the room causing everyone to laugh. "Kie and I have been predicting this forever now..." Suddenly that's when she turned toward JJ. "YOU! You better treat my sister right or I swear to-"

"Relax," JJ reassured, putting his hands up in defense. "Kiara has threatened me multiple times and I would never dream of hurting your sister," This caused the couple to look one another in the eyes and smile.

Though not before Kiara rushed the two of them out of the room, claiming that dinner was about to start... Let the boring dinner begin. 

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