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"W-Who are you?" Y/N questioned after finally gaining up the courage to say something to her attacker. She could feel the man laugh from behind her... She knew with a voice as deep and intimidating as his that it was a man no doubt.

"I said give me your money!" He exclaimed this time louder causing the princess to let out a yelp.

This only caused the thief to become angrier as suddenly that's when she could feel the knife being pushed into her cheek. Hot crimson blood began to roll down half of her face as Y/N attempted to stay as still as possible to lessen the chance of it happening again.

"I-I don't have any money with me," She explained the fear wavering in her voice. "Please... Just let me go I haven't seen your face," The princess knew that it took courage to say anything to her attacker although she also knew that she was being a coward by not escaping.

"I know you have money so give it to me! I need it!" The person exclaimed his voice booming into the air as his free hand began to feel her dress for any secret pockets.

Y/N knew while he was distracted that she had to get away. The only thing that she could think of was kicking him so that's what happened next. He let out a grunt of pain-causing her to rejoice as she fled. Though it had been enough to knock him down he took her with him by a quick grab of her hair.

The princess let out a scream this taking her by surprise as she quickly squirmed in his grasp trying anything in her power to get free. Right as she got a nice kick at him he let go shoving her harshly into a tree. Her back slammed against the tree along with the back of her head causing a loud thump.

After that, it became blurry for her as it seemed impossible to focus. As Y/N tried to get up she stumbled, the thief was just about to come back at her until a voice startled them both. "Princess!" Both eyes shot JJ's way as he stood there in the forest staring at them in shock.

The smirk on the thief's face instantly disappeared, as he glanced between the knight and the princess in awe. The realization had hit him like a punch to the face literally as he realized he had just tried to steal money from the princess.

The blue-eyed knight tackled the thief to the ground, punching him over and over. His hand became raw, as the thief did nothing to try and stop him. He knew that he deserved it. Y/N stumbled over to JJ, placing a hand on top of his bloodied fist before he made another punch.

"Stop," She whispered, looking him in the eyes. "It's not worth it,"

"But he hurt you, princess," JJ muttered, shooting daggers toward the thief.

"He was only doing what he had to do," She reassured, grabbing JJ's arm and pulling him up and off the ground.

JJ glanced at her through pleading eyes, as a look of hurt flashed through them. "I failed to protect you, princess... I'm sorry,"

"No you didn't," She reassured, pulling him into a tight hug. He hesitated at first however then wrapped his arms tightly around her as she urged him to.

"Your father won't seem to think that," And those were the words that haunted her the whole way back to the other knights.

Pope fled over to her side the instant he saw her demanding to know what happened the same with John B. Though after explaining the whole story both worrying men were sent away much to their protest to make sure that the thief didn't get away and was brought to the palace. After JJ demanded that they leave he also demanded that she ride on his horse the way back.

"But what about Peaches..." Y/N stared at her horse as the blonde only sighed.

"You might have a concussion princess," Were his only words as she climbed on the back of his horse reluctantly and they rode off. Not without Y/N gripping him tightly.

When they arrived at the castle everyone stared at them in shock. Maids dropped what they were doing along with knights to come over and help. All they noticed was blood and how there was only one knight with the princess now instead of the many that had accompanied her before.

JJ was about to take Y/N to the nurse and explain to everyone what happened yet the princess had been ripped from his arms and pulled to the infirmary. Questions zipped through his head as he was pushed toward the kings office to explain what happened.

As Y/N was being checked over for a concussion, and her cheeking began to bandage up Sarah, her parents, and JJ all came into the room. The blonde-haired knight was in the middle of saying something to her father. It was obvious the king had come in a rush and hadn't even waited for an explanation along with her mother.

"Y/N..." Her father whispered the first one to break the silence as everyone stared at her like she had two heads.

"Thank goddess you're alright," Her mother exclaimed, going over and embracing her daughter, not even waiting till the nurse was all done.

That's when the king and her sister did as well.

"I know everything... There is no need to worry now you're safe," The king reassured causing a small smile to form across her lips.

"H-He just wanted money... I don't think he had any," Y/N whispered her voice raspy.

"It's alright... There is nothing you could have done," Her mother cooed, moving a loose strand of her daughter's hair behind her ear.

Her father kissed the top of her head and thanked the nurse. After that, he turned toward JJ with a proud grin across his lips. The knight glanced up at the king confused, as he was already bowing his head in shame expecting to get slaughtered for letting the princes get hurt.

"You have done an excellent job protecting my daughter... I knew that you would be an honorable knight the moment I laid eyes on you," The king explained causing JJ's eyes to widen.

"B-But I... I failed-" JJ whispered now causing the king to glance at him confused as the knight continued. "I let the princess get hurt,"

"Nonsense... You saved my daughter's life and for that, I will never be able to repay you," The king exclaimed and that's when suddenly he was hugging the knight. "Thank you,"

"I was just doing my job..." JJ whispered hugging the king back as he made eye contact with Y/N over her father's shoulder. The only thing that she could focus on was the blood that covered his black and blue fist as the nurse declared her free to go.

"You won't be going into those woods until you're all healed," Her mother explained as she helped her daughter out of the bed. "And from now on three knights will accompany you just to be safe,"

Sarah hugged her sister once she was standing almost pushing her back down into the bed, as Y/N stroked her hair. After that, the family left the room, as Y/N tried to escape the many questions that she knew were coming.

Her father ruffled JJ's hair as they were walking together further ahead of them up the hall. Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sight of them enjoying themselves and talking. Her father was truly fond of JJ and she couldn't help finding herself to be as well. 

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